- paedomorphosis
- педоморфоз (1. см. neoteny 2. эволюция в результате модификаций, происходящих на незрелых стадиях роста)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
paedomorphosis — ▪ biology also spelled Pedomorphosis, retention by an organism of juvenile or even larval traits into later life. There are two aspects of paedomorphosis: acceleration of sexual maturation relative to the rest of development (progenesis) … Universalium
Paedomorphosis — pedomorfozė statusas T sritis embriologija atitikmenys: lot. Paedomorphosis ryšiai: platesnis terminas – organo atsiradimas bei formavimasis … Medicininės histologijos ir embriologijos vardynas
paedomorphosis — noun Etymology: New Latin, from paed + Greek morphōsis formation, from morphoun to form, from morphē form Date: 1922 phylogenetic change that involves retention of juvenile characters by the adult … New Collegiate Dictionary
paedomorphosis — phylogenetic retention of juvenile or larval characters in the adult … Dictionary of ichthyology
paedomorphosis — n. [Gr. pais, child; morphosis, shaping] Evolutionary change in which ancestrally immature structures are retained … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
paedomorphosis — pae·do·mor·pho·sis or pe·do·mor·pho·sis mȯr fə səs n, pl pho·ses .sēz phylogenetic change that involves retention of juvenile characters by the adult … Medical dictionary
paedomorphosis — [ˌpi:də(ʊ) mɔ:fəsɪs, mɔ: fəʊsɪs] noun Zoology another term for neoteny (in sense 1). Derivatives paedomorphic adjective … English new terms dictionary
paedomorphosis — pae·do·mor·pho·sis … English syllables
paedomorphosis — … Useful english dictionary
Gavin de Beer — Infobox Scientist name = PAGENAME box width = 280px image size = 150px caption = Portrait and short biography of Gavin de Beer from the back cover of his 1945 book Escape to Switzerland birth date = 1 November, 1899 birth place = Malden, Surrey… … Wikipedia
Ontogeny and Phylogeny (book) — Ontogeny and Phylogeny is Stephen Jay Gould s first technical book, published in 1977 by Belknap, a division of Harvard University Press. Gould wrote that Ernst Mayr suggested in passing that he write the book, but that I only began it as a… … Wikipedia