
1. происхождение 2. начало (напр. координат или отсчёта)
origin of petroleum происхождение нефти
origin of the earth's sculpture глиптогенез(ис)
deep-seated origin глубинное происхождение
earthquake origin очаг [центр] землетрясения
glacial origin ледниковое происхождение
mechanical origin механогенез(ис)
seismic origin сейсмический фокус, очаг [центр] землетрясения

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "origin" в других словарях:

  • Origin — Origin, origins, or original may refer to: Contents 1 Beginning of the universe and life 2 Science and technology 3 Computer …   Wikipedia

  • Origin — (englisch origin „Ursprung, Beginn, Quelle, Verursacher“ etc.): Origin ist eine wissenschaftliche Software zur Analyse und Darstellung von Daten, siehe Origin (Software) Origin Systems war ein US amerikanischer Computerspiele Hersteller Origin… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Origin PC — Type Privately Owned Industry Computer hardware Founded 2009 Headquarters Miami, Florida Key people Kevin Wasielewski, CEO Richard Cary, President Hector Penton, COO …   Wikipedia

  • origin — origin, source, inception, root, provenance, provenience, prime mover denote the point at which something (as a process, a growth, a development, a custom, a habit, or an institution) begins its course or its existence. Origin applies chiefly to… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Origin — Or i*gin, n. [F. origine, L. origo, iginis, fr. oriri to rise, become visible; akin to Gr. orny nai to stir up, rouse, Skr. [.r], and perh. to E. run.] [1913 Webster] 1. The first existence or beginning of anything; the birth. [1913 Webster] This …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Origin — альбом рок группы Evanescence. Origin альбом метал группы Borknagar. Origin программа научной графики и обработки данных. Origin последняя строчка фидошного письма. Origin американская дэт метал группа. Origin платформа цифровой дистрибуции… …   Википедия

  • Origin — (origen en inglés) puede hacer referencia a: Origin (álbum), álbum de Evanescence; Origin Systems, desarrollador de videojuegos (1983 2004); Origin Game Fair, convención de videojuegos que tiene lugar cada año en Columbus (Ohio, Estados Unidos) …   Wikipedia Español

  • origin — [ôr′ə jin, är′ə jin] n. [ME origyne < MFr origine < L origo (gen. originis) < oriri, to rise: see ORIENT] 1. a coming into existence or use; beginning 2. parentage; birth; lineage 3. that in which something has its beginning; source;… …   English World dictionary

  • origin — I (ancestry) noun ancestral descent, birth, bloodline, derivation, descent, dynasty, extraction, family, filiation, genealogical tree, genealogy, heritage, kith and kin, line, line of ancestors, line of descent, lineage, origo, parentage,… …   Law dictionary

  • origin — [n1] cause, basis agent, ancestor, ancestry, antecedent, author, base, causality, causation, connection, creator, derivation, determinant, egg*, element, embryo, fountain, generator, germ, horse’s mouth*, impulse, inception, inducement, influence …   New thesaurus

  • origin — ► NOUN 1) the point where something begins or arises. 2) a person s social background or ancestry. 3) Mathematics a fixed point from which coordinates are measured. ORIGIN Latin origo, from oriri to rise …   English terms dictionary

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