- breccia
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Breccia — (pronEng|ˈbrɛtʃiə, ˈbrɛʃiə, it. breach) is a rock composed of angular fragments of several minerals or rocks in a matrix, that is a cementing material, that may be similar or different in composition to the fragments. A breccia may have a variety … Wikipedia
Breccia — Brec cia, n. [It., breach, pebble, fragments of stone, fr. F. br[ e]che; of German origin. See {Breach}.] (Geol.) A rock composed of angular fragments either of the same mineral or of different minerals, etc., united by a cement, and commonly… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Breccia — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Alberto Breccia (1919–1993), uruguayischer Comiczeichner und autor Enrique Breccia (* 1945), argentinischer Comiczeichner Paolo Breccia (* 1941), italienischer Regisseur Siehe auch: Brekzie, eine Form von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
breccia (1) — {{hw}}{{breccia (1)}{{/hw}}s. f. (pl. ce ) Apertura fatta in un opera di fortificazione mediante tiro di artiglieria o lavoro di mina, per penetrarvi a viva forza | Essere, rimanere sulla –b, (fig.) continuare a svolgere con successo la propria… … Enciclopedia di italiano
breccia — rock of angular pieces, 1774, from It. breccia, marble of angular pieces, from a Germanic source akin to O.H.G. brecha a breaking, from P.Gmc. *brekan, from PIE *bhreg to break (see FRACTION (Cf. fraction)) … Etymology dictionary
breccia — [brech′ē ə, bresh′ē ə] n. [It, fragments of stone < Fr brèche: see BRASH2] rock consisting of sharp cornered bits of fragmented rock, cemented together by sand, clay, or lime … English World dictionary
breccia — /brech ee euh, bresh /, n. Petrol. rock composed of angular fragments of older rocks melded together. [1765 75; < It < Gmc; cf. OHG brecha breaking] * * * Coarse sedimentary rock consisting of angular or nearly angular fragments larger than 0. 08 … Universalium
breccia — 1bréc·cia s.f. CO 1a. varco aperto con cannonate, mine o sim. in una cinta muraria o altra opera difensiva per penetrarvi con truppe di assalto: aprire una breccia, la breccia di Porta Pia | anche fig.: il centravanti ha aperto una breccia nella… … Dizionario italiano
breccia — 1. Angular fragments of rock, commonly, but not inevitably, cemented by finer grained materials including silica, iron minerals, and calcite to form a new rock. Many fault planes are marked by zones of broken rock, either loose or re cemented … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
breccia — n. & v. n. a rock of angular stones etc. cemented by finer material. v.tr. form into breccia. Derivatives: brecciate v.tr. brecciation n. Etymology: It., = gravel, f. Gmc, rel. to BREAK(1) … Useful english dictionary
Breccia (desambiguación) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Breccia puede referirse a: Un tipo de conglomerado, también conocido como Brecha; Una saga argentino uruguaya de historietistas e ilustradores formada por: Alberto Breccia (1919 1993), y sus hijos Cristina Breccia,… … Wikipedia Español