- oosterboschite
- остербошит, Ag2FeSnS4, (Pd,Cu)7Se3
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Oosterboschit — Andere Namen IMA 1970 016 Chemische Formel (Pd,Cu)7Se5 Mineralklasse Sulfide, Sulfosalze II/A.06 10 (nach Strunz) (nach Dana) Kristallsystem orthorhombisch (Pseudotetragonal) … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of minerals N-R (complete) — It is currently not possible to have a complete list of minerals . The International Mineralogical Association is the international group that recognises new minerals and new mineral names, however minerals discovered before 1959 did not go… … Wikipedia