- ooid
- ооид (1. отдельный сферит оолитовой породы 2. частица, по размеру и форме похожая на оолит)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Ooid — Modern ooids from a beach on Joulter s Cay, The Bahamas. Ooids on the surface of a li … Wikipedia
Ooid — Ooide Ooide aus der mitteljurassichen Carmel Formation in … Deutsch Wikipedia
ooid — 1. noun A small calcium carbonate or iron coated grain found on the seafloor. Syn: oolith 2. adjective Shaped like an egg; ovoid; … Wiktionary
Ooid — O|o|id [griech. ōón = Ei; ↑ oid], das; s, e: ↑ Oolith. * * * O|oid [griechisch »eiförmig«] das, s/ e, ei oder kugelförmiges Mineralkorn, das aus mikroskopisch dünnen, konzentrisch aneinander gelagerten, schalenförmigen oder auch radialstrahlig … Universal-Lexikon
Ooid — Oo|id das; [e]s, e <zu 2↑...id> kleines rundes Gebilde aus Kalk od. Eisenverbindungen, das sich schwebend in bewegtem Wasser bilden kann (Geol.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
ooid(al) — a. egg shaped … Dictionary of difficult words
ooid — … Useful english dictionary
Rundle Group — Stratigraphic range: Middle to Late Mississippian … Wikipedia
Federal Modernism — The architectural style known as Federal Modernism emerged in 1949 after the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) was created in response to the organizational needs of the U.S. federal government during its time of post war expasnion. The… … Wikipedia
Section of Painting and Sculpture — During the Great Depression in the United States, the Section of Painting and Sculpture was a public art program administered by the Procurement Division of the Treasury Department as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt s New Deal. Like other … Wikipedia
oolite — noun /ˈuː.laɪt/ a) A rock consisting of spherical grains within a mineral cortex accreted around a nucleus, often of quartz grains. b) An ooid or oolith … Wiktionary