- oligotrophic
- олиготрофный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
oligotrophic — [äl΄i gōträf′ik, äl΄i gōtrō′fik] adj. [ OLIGO + TROPHIC] designating or of a lake, pond, etc. poor in plant nutrient minerals and organisms and usually rich in oxygen at all depths: see also MESOTROPHIC oligotrophy [äl΄ə gät′rə fē] n … English World dictionary
Oligotrophic — An oligotrophic ecosystem or environment is one that offers little to sustain life. The term is commonly utilised to describe bodies of water or soils with very low nutrient levels. It derives etymologically from the Greek oligo (small, little,… … Wikipedia
oligotrophic — adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1928 having a deficiency of plant nutrients that is usually accompanied by an abundance of dissolved oxygen < clear oligotrophic lakes > … New Collegiate Dictionary
Oligotrophic lake — An oligotrophic lake is a lake with low primary productivity, the result of low nutrient content. These lakes have low algal production, and consequently, often have very clear waters, with high drinking water quality. The bottom waters of such… … Wikipedia
oligotrophic waters — oligotrofiniai vandenys statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Vandens telkiniai, turintys mažai maisto medžiagų, augalijos, gyvūnijos. atitikmenys: angl. oligotrophic waters vok. oligotrophe Wässer, n rus. олиготрофные воды … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
oligotrophic lakes — oligotrofinis ežeras statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Gilus mažamaistis ežeras, kurio vanduo šaltas, jame nedaug biogeninių medžiagų ir druskų, ištisus metus gausu deguonies. Būdingas didelis arba vidutinis gylis (30–70 m),… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
oligotrophic — 1) adjective for oligotrophy 2) an organism requiring only a small nutrient supply or a narrow range of nutrients … Dictionary of ichthyology
oligotrophic — adj. [Gr. oligos, few; trophe, food] Pertaining to freshwater bodies poor in plant nutrients and unproductive … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
oligotrophic — /ol i goh trof ik, troh fik/, adj. Ecol. (of a lake) characterized by a low accumulation of dissolved nutrient salts, supporting but a sparse growth of algae and other organisms, and having a high oxygen content owing to the low organic content.… … Universalium
oligotrophic — adjective a) being deficient in nutrition b) being deficient in plant nutrients, such as nitrogen or phosphorus Ant: eutrophic See Also: oligotrophy … Wiktionary
oligotrophic — ol·i·go·tro·phic (ol″ĭ go troґfik) [oligo + trophic] able to live in a nutrient poor environment; said of bacteria and other microorganisms … Medical dictionary