- -oid
- -оид (суффикс, означающий сходство, подобие формы: гранитоид, гнейсоид)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Oid — Les OID (pour Object Identifier) sont des identifiants universels, représentés sous la forme d une suite d entiers. Ils sont organisés sous forme hiérarchique. Ainsi seul l organisme 1.2.3 peut dire quelle est la signification de l OID… … Wikipédia en Français
-oid — is a suffix much used in the sciences and mathematics to indicate a similarity, not necessarily exact, to something else . According to the Oxford English Dictionary , oid is derived from the Latin suffix oides taken from Greek and meaning having … Wikipedia
-oid — ( oid) suff. [Gr. ?, fr. e i^dos form, akin to ? to see, and E. wit: cf. F. o[ i]de, L. o[ i]des.] A suffix or combining form meaning like, resembling, in the form of; as in anthropoid, asteroid, spheroid. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Oid — or OID may refer to: Oid (album), a 2005 album by Space Manoeuvres Object identifier, an object used in computing to name an object Oracle Internet Directory, a directory service produced by Oracle Corporation OpenID, a shared identity service… … Wikipedia
OID — Original Issue Discount (OID) USA The discount from the face value of a bond or other debt instrument at the time that it is issued. It is the difference between the stated redemption price at maturity and the offering price. This discount is… … Law dictionary
-oid — [oid] [Gr o eidēs < O , termination of preceding element + eidēs, oid < eidos, a form, shape < IE base * weid , to see > IDEA, WISE1, L videre] suffix 1. forming adjectives like or resembling (something specified) [crystalloid] 2.… … English World dictionary
oid — OÍD, ÍD2 elem. În formă de , aspect, aparenţă . (din fr. oïde, ïde, cf. gr. eidos) Trimis de tavi, 20.04.2005. Sursa: MDN OÍD Element secund de compunere savantă cu semnificaţia în formă de . [pron. o id. / < fr. oïde, it. oide, cf … Dicționar Român
OID — steht für: Object Identifier, einen eindeutigen Bezeichner in der Informatik Opportunity International Deutschland, eine Hilfsorganisation OpenID, ein Single Sign On System Oracle Internet Directory, einen Verzeichnisdienst von Oracle … Deutsch Wikipedia
-oid — Suffix zur Bildung von Bezeichnungen für untypische Exemplare, z.B. Suffixoid = suffixähnliches Element per. Wortschatz fach. ( ) Beschreibung von Affixen. In neoklassischen Bildungen verwendet nach dem Muster griechischer Komposita mit… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
-oid — suffix for like, like that of, thing like a , from Latinized form of Gk. oeides, from eidos form, related to idein to see, eidenai to know; lit. to see, from PIE *weid es , from root *weid to see, to know (see VISION (Cf. vision)). The … Etymology dictionary
-oid — oid, oidan DEFINICIJA v. id … Hrvatski jezični portal