- odontoblast
- одонтобласт
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Odontoblast — A developing tooth with odontoblasts marked. The cervical loop area: (1) dental follic … Wikipedia
odontoblast — ODONTOBLÁST, odontoblaste, s.n. Fiecare dintre celulele conjunctive dispuse într unul sau în mai multe rânduri la limita dintre pulpa dentară şi dentină, având rol important în formarea dentinei. – Din fr. odontoblaste. Trimis de oprocopiuc,… … Dicționar Român
Odontoblast — O*don to*blast, n. [Odonto + blast.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Anat.) One of the more or less columnar cells on the outer surface of the pulp of a tooth; an odontoplast. They are supposed to be connected with the formation of dentine. [1913 Webster] 2.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
odontoblast — [ō dänt′ō blast΄] n. [ ODONTO + BLAST] any of the cells forming the outer surface of the pulp of a tooth and secreting a substance which develops into dentin odontoblastic adj … English World dictionary
Odontoblast — Ein Odontoblast (Plural: Odontoblasten) ist eine Zelle mesenchymalen Ursprungs. Bei der Zahnentstehung induzieren Epithelzellen der Hertwig’schen Scheide die benachbarten Mesenchymzellen dazu, sich in Odontoblasten umzuwandeln. Odontoblasten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Odontoblast process — An odontoblast process is an extension of a cell called an odontoblast, which forms dentin in a tooth. The odontoblast process forms during dentinogenesis and results from a part of the odontoblast staying in its location as the main body of the… … Wikipedia
odontoblast — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1878 any of the elongated radially arranged cells on the surface of the dental pulp that secrete dentin • odontoblastic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
odontoblast — n. [Gr. odous, tooth; blastos, bud] (MOLLUSCA: Gastropoda) Cells in the radular sac that secrete the radular teeth … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
odontoblast — odontoblastic, adj. /oh don teuh blast /, n. Anat. one of a layer of cells lining the pulp cavity of a tooth, from which dentin is formed. [1875 80; ODONTO + BLAST] * * * … Universalium
odontoblast — noun A cell on the outer surface of dental pulp that produces tooth dentin … Wiktionary
odontoblast — One of the dentin forming cells, derived from mesenchyme of neural crest origin, lining the pulp cavity of a tooth; odontoblasts are arranged in a peripheral layer in the dental pulp, each with an odontoblastic … Medical dictionary