

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "ochric" в других словарях:

  • Ustochrept — Ustochrepts are a great group of soils, in the USDA soil taxonomy. They are classed in the sub order Ochrepts, in the order InceptisolsUstochrepts are characterised by an ochric epipedon , a warm soil temperature regime and an ustic soil moisture …   Wikipedia

  • Primary Diagnostic Horizons — ▪ Table Primary diagnostic horizons of soil   U.S. Soil Taxonomy defining features FAO soil group system See as table: Epipedons   histic thick organic layer histic . mollic thick, dark, neutral to alkaline mollic ochric pale or thin ochric .… …   Universalium

  • Inceptisols — are a soil order in USDA soil taxonomy. They form quickly through alteration of parent material. They are older than entisols. They have no accumulation of clays, Fe, Al or organic matter. They have an Ochric or Umbric horizon and a cambic… …   Wikipedia

  • Natchez silt loam — In 1988, the Professional Soil Classifiers Association of Mississippi selected Natchez silt loam soil to represent the soil resources of the State. These soils exist on 171,559 acres (0.56% of state) of landscape in Mississippi. Contents 1… …   Wikipedia

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