breaking properties

breaking properties

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "breaking properties" в других словарях:

  • Properties of water — H2O and HOH redirect here. For other uses, see H2O (disambiguation) and HOH (disambiguation). This article is about the physical and chemical properties of pure water. For general discussion and its distribution and importance in life, see Water …   Wikipedia

  • ceramic composition and properties — Introduction       atomic and molecular nature of ceramic (industrial ceramics) materials (materials processing) and their resulting characteristics and performance in industrial applications.       Industrial ceramics are commonly understood to… …   Universalium

  • Mechanical properties of DNA — The mechanical properties of DNA, which are directly related to its structure, are a significant problem for cells. Every process which binds or reads DNA is able to use or modify the mechanical properties of DNA for purposes of recognition,… …   Wikipedia

  • Dynamical symmetry breaking — In condensed matter physics and particle physics, dynamical symmetry breaking is a special form of spontaneous symmetry breaking, where the ground state of the system has reduced symmetry properties compared to its theoretical description… …   Wikipedia

  • Mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes — This article considers the Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes in the Radial (transverse) Direction. Carbon nanotube is one of the strongest materials in nature. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are basically long hollow cylinders of graphite sheets …   Wikipedia

  • Double spaced sentences — Double spacing at the ends of sentences is a typographical convention that has sometimes been termed English spacing. Since the mid 1990s, it has often been termed French spacing, although that term has traditionally referred to the practice of… …   Wikipedia

  • Non-English usage of quotation marks — A Non English usage of quotation marks Punctuation apostrophe ( …   Wikipedia

  • Plenk — bezeichnet im Netzjargon ein typografisch falsch gesetztes Leerzeichen vor einem Satzzeichen oder Wortzeichen. Darunter fallen beispielsweise Komma, Punkt, Ausrufezeichen und Fragezeichen bzw. Bindestrich und Abkürzungspunkt. Die Verwendung… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Fin De Ligne — Dans un fichier texte, plusieurs conventions non compatibles existent pour représenter la fin de ligne ou la fin de paragraphe[1]. Ces différentes conventions ont pour origines les différences des systèmes informatiques, notamment : Mac,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Fin de ligne — Dans un fichier texte, plusieurs conventions non compatibles existent pour représenter la fin de ligne ou la fin de paragraphe[1]. Ces différentes conventions ont pour origines les différences des systèmes informatiques, notamment : Mac,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • UAX-14 — Unicode Standard AnneX 14, Line Breaking Properties (Computing » General) …   Abbreviations dictionary

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