- neoytterbium
- неоиттербий
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
neoytterbium — /nee oh i terr bee euhm/, n. Chem. (formerly) ytterbium. [NEO + YTTERBIUM] * * * … Universalium
neoytterbium — /ˌnioʊɪˈtɜbiəm/ (say .neeohi terbeeuhm) noun Obsolete → ytterbium …
neoytterbium — /nee oh i terr bee euhm/, n. Chem. (formerly) ytterbium. [NEO + YTTERBIUM] … Useful english dictionary
Lutetium — (pronEng|ljuːˈtiːʃiəm) is a chemical element with the symbol Lu and atomic number 71. A silvery white rare metal, lutetium is the heaviest member of the rare earth group.Parker, Sybil P., ed. Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms. 3rd ed.… … Wikipedia
Lutetium(III) oxide — Chembox new Name = Lutetium(III) oxide ImageName = Lutetium(III) oxide OtherNames = Lutetium oxide Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASOther = [12032 20 1] Section2 = Chembox Properties Formula = Lu2O3 MolarMass = 397.932 g/mol Solvent = other… … Wikipedia
Etymologische Liste der chemischen Elemente — Eine Vielzahl chemischer Elemente sind nach Städten, Ländern oder Kontinenten benannt. Einige lassen die Herkunft ihrer Entdecker erkennen (z. B. Scandium und Francium) oder es werden mit der Bezeichnung bedeutende Naturwissenschaftler… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ytterbium — Eigenschaften … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ytterbium — (Neoytterbium) Yb, Atomgew. 172, seltenes Element der Yttriumgruppe … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
ytterbium — [i tʉr′bē əm] n. [ModL, contr. < neoytterbium, so named (1907) by its discoverer, G. Urbain (see LUTETIUM) < ytterbia, ytterbium oxide, name coined (1878) by J. C. G. de Marignac, Swiss chemist who isolated it, after Ytterby: see ERBIUM] a… … English World dictionary
yt|ter|bi|um — «ih TUR bee uhm», noun. a metallic chemical element whose compounds resemble those of yttrium; neoytterbium. It is one of the rare earths, occurs with yttrium in gadolinite and various other minerals, and is used in making special alloys. ╂[<… … Useful english dictionary