- nematotheca
- Coel., Hydr. нематотека, скелетная оболочка
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
nematotheca — n. [Gr. nema, thread; theke, case] (CNIDARIA: Hydrozoa) In Leptomedusae, small stemmed structures from which nematophores develop; one chambered, single and immovable; two chambered, shaped like a wineglass, with upper chamber capable of limited… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Plumularioidea — Taxobox name = Plumularioidea image width = 240px image caption = Aglaophenia species (Aglaopheniidae) regnum = Animalia subregnum = Eumetazoa phylum = Cnidaria subphylum = Medusozoa classis = Hydrozoa subclassis = Leptolinae ordo = Leptomedusae… … Wikipedia
cauline — adj. [L. caulis, stalk] (CNIDARIA: Hydrozoa) A term used to describe nematotheca attached to the main stem of a hydroid colony … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
sarcotheca — n. [Gr. sarx, flesh; theke, case] (CNIDARIA: Hydrozoa) The sheath of a sarcostyle; nematotheca … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology