- nectopod
- Moll. плавательная ножка
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
nectopod — n. [Gr. nektos, swimming; pous, foot] An appendage adapted for swimming … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
nectopod — /nek teuh pod /, n. (in certain mollusks) an appendage modified for swimming. [1895 1900; < Gk nektó(s) swimming (equiv. to néch(ein) to swim + tos deverbal adj. suffix, with cht > kt) + POD] * * * … Universalium
nectopod — nec·to·pod … English syllables
nectopod — n. swimming limb … Dictionary of difficult words
nectopod — ˌpäd noun ( s) Etymology: nect + pod : a limb (as of a mollusk) adapted for swimming … Useful english dictionary
nekton — nektonic, adj. /nek ton, teuhn/, n. the aggregate of actively swimming aquatic organisms in a body of water, able to move independently of water currents. [1890 95; < G, n. use of neut. of nektós swimming (verbid of néchein to swim; see… … Universalium
-pod — I. ˌpäd noun combining form ( s) Etymology: Greek pod , pous, from pod , pous, adjective combining form, having (such or so many) feet, from pod , pous foot : one having (such or so many) feet chenopod II. adjective co … Useful english dictionary