- monocotyledon
- однодольное растение || однодольный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
monocotylédon — ⇒MONOCOTYLÉDON(ES), (MONOCOTYLÉDON, MONOCOTYLÉDONES)adj. et subst. fém. plur. BOTANIQUE A. Adj. Dont la graine n a qu un seul cotylédon. Enfin, en dernier lieu, on constate l apparition, et bientôt la prédominance des végétaux angiospermes ou à… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Monocotyledon — Mon o*cot y*le don, n. [Mono + cotyledon: cf. F. monocotyl[ e]done.] (Bot.) A plant with only one cotyledon, or seed lobe; a member of the Monocotyledonae. [1913 Webster] Note: The plural, monocotyledons, is used as the name of a large class of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
monocotyledon — ► NOUN ▪ a flowering plant whose seeds have a single cotyledon … English terms dictionary
monocotyledon — [män΄ō kät΄ə lēd′ n, män΄əkät΄ə lēd′ n] n. Bot. any of a class (Liliopsida) of angiosperms, including lilies, orchids, and grasses, having an embryo containing only one cotyledon, and characterized by parallel veined leaves, flower parts in… … English World dictionary
Monocotyledon — Monocotyledons Temporal range: Early Cretaceous Recent Hemerocallis flower, with three flower parts in each whorl Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
monocotyledon — /mon euh kot l eed n/, n. Bot. an angiospermous plant of the class Monocotyledones, characterized by producing seeds with one cotyledon and an endogenous manner of growth. Cf. dicotyledon. [1720 30; < NL; see MONO , COTYLEDON] * * * byname… … Universalium
monocotyledon — noun Etymology: ultimately from New Latin mon + cotyledon cotyledon Date: circa 1727 any of a class or subclass (Liliopsida or Monocotyledoneae) of chiefly herbaceous angiospermous plants having an embryo with a single cotyledon, usually parallel … New Collegiate Dictionary
Monocotyledon — … Википедия
monocotyledon — noun Any plant belonging to the Monocotyledones (also written Monocotyledonae) or Liliopsida, a class in the Angiospermae, the flowering plants. This group include the grasses, lilies, orchids and palms. Syn: monocot, liliopsid … Wiktionary
monocotyledon — n. plant which has one cotyledon, plant with one seed leaves (Botany) … English contemporary dictionary
monocotyledon — [ˌmɒnə(ʊ)kɒtɪ li:d(ə)n] noun Botany a plant with an embryo bearing a single cotyledon, such plants constituting the smaller (Monocotyledoneae) of the two classes of flowering species. Compare with dicotyledon. Derivatives monocotyledonous… … English new terms dictionary