- meteoritics
- метеоритика
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Meteoritics — For the 1953 journal, see Meteoritics Planetary Science. Meteoritics is a science that deals with meteorites and other extraterrestrial materials that further our understanding of the origin and history of the solar system. A specialist who… … Wikipedia
meteoritics — meteoriticist /mee tee euh rit euh sist/, n. /mee tee euh rit iks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) Astron. the science that deals with meteors. [1930 35; METEORITE + ICS] * * * Study of the chemistry and mineralogy of meteorite samples that have been… … Universalium
Meteoritics & Planetary Science — Former name(s) Contributions of the Society for Research on Meteorites, Contributions of the Meteoritical Society, Meteoritics, Abbreviated ti … Wikipedia
Meteoritics & Planetary Science — Meteoritics Planetary Science (MAPS) ist ein englischsprachiges internationales und nichtkommerzielles Wissenschaftsjournal und das Hauptorgan der Meteoritical Society. Diese ist gleichzeitig der Herausgeber. Die behandelten Themen sind u.a.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Meteoritics & Planetary Science — (MAPS) ist ein englischsprachiges internationales und nichtkommerzielles Wissenschaftsjournal und das Hauptorgan der Meteoritical Society. Diese ist gleichzeitig der Herausgeber. Die behandelten Themen sind u.a. Asteroiden, Kometen, Impaktkrater … Deutsch Wikipedia
meteoritics — noun plural but singular in construction Date: 1915 a science that deals with meteors • meteoriticist noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
meteoritics — noun A science that deals with meteors and meteorites … Wiktionary
meteoritics — the study of meteors Sciences and Studies … Phrontistery dictionary
meteoritics — me·te·or·it·ics … English syllables
meteoritics — me•te•or•it•ics [[t]ˌmi ti əˈrɪt ɪks[/t]] n. (used with a sing. v.) astron. the science that deals with meteors • Etymology: 1930–35 me te•or•it′i•cist ə sɪst n … From formal English to slang
Meteoritics — The study of meteorites and the formation of our solar system … The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology