- megaflora
- мегафлора
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Megaflora — (Ancient Greek megas large + New Latin fauna plant ) refers to an exceptionally large plant species. Examples of megaflora include the sequoioideae of California and a number of extinct plant species from the Mesozoic. This botany article is a… … Wikipedia
MegaFlora tree — The MegaFlora Tree is the trademarked name for a fast growing tree created by Emerald Energy. It was designed to grow much faster than a normal tree. According to their website, it can harvested within 2 years and is designed to grow back after… … Wikipedia
megaflora — megˈafauna (or / föˈnə/) and megˈaflora (also / flöˈrə/) noun Large animals and plants respectively, visible to the naked eye • • • Main Entry: ↑mega … Useful english dictionary
Primeros pobladores andinos — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El paso de los nómades de América del Norte a América del Sur por el istmo de Panamá fue también una aventura épica. Tal vez no una gran hazaña, como la emprendida por sus antepasados a través del estrecho de Bering … Wikipedia Español
megafloral — adjective Of or pertaining to megaflora … Wiktionary
μακροχλωρίδα — η βοτ. 1. το σύνολο τών φυτών που είναι ορατά με γυμνό οφθαλμό 2. ομάδα φυτών με ευρεία κατανομή 3. το σύνολο τών φυτών ενός μεγάλου ομοιόμορφου βιοτόπου. [ΕΤΥΜΟΛ. Απόδοση στην ελλ. ξεν. όρου, πρβλ. αγγλ. megaflora] … Dictionary of Greek