- lithosere
- литофитная серия
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Lithosere — A lithosere (a sere originating on rock) is a plant succession that begins life on a newly exposed rock surface, such as one left bare as a result of glacial retreat, tectonic uplift as in the formation of a raised beach, or volcanic eruptions.… … Wikipedia
lithosere — n. [Gr. lithos, stone; serere, to join] A sere originating on exposed rock surfaces; see xerosere, hydrosere … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
lithosere — /lith euh sear /, n. Ecol. a sere originating on rock. [1915 20; LITHO + SERE2] * * * … Universalium
lithosere — noun A sere originating on rock; a plant succession that begins life on a newly exposed rock surface, such as one left bare as a result of glacial retreat, tectonic uplift, or volcanic eruptions … Wiktionary
lithosere — lith·o·sere … English syllables
lithosere — /lɪθoʊˈsɪə/ (say lithoh sear) noun Ecology a sere, the starting point of which is on rock. {litho + sere2} …
lithosere — ˈlithə+ˌ noun Etymology: lith + sere : an ecological sere originating on rock * * * /lith euh sear /, n. Ecol. a sere originating on rock. [1915 20; LITHO + SERE2] … Useful english dictionary
Xerosere — is a plant succession which occurs in conditions limited by water availability or the different stages in a xerarch succession.Xerarch succession of ecological communities originated in extremely dry situation such as sand deserts, sand dunes,… … Wikipedia
Ecological succession — Succession after disturbance: a boreal forest one (left) and two years (right) after a wildfire. Ecological succession, is the phenomenon or process by which a community progressively transforms itself until a stable community is formed. It is a… … Wikipedia
Seral community — A seral community (or sere) is an intermediate stage found in ecological succession in an ecosystem advancing towards its climax community. An example of seral communities in secondary succession is a recently logged coniferous forest; during the … Wikipedia
hydrosere — n. [Gr. hydor, water; serere, to join] A sere originating in water; see lithosere, xerosere … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology