- lithophilous
- литофильный (об организме, обитающем на скалах или в каменистой местности)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
lithophilous — lə̇ˈthäfələs adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary lith + philous : growing or living in stony places lithophilous plants lithophilous insects * * * lithophilous / ofˈi ləs/ adjective (Gr philos friend) growing, living or… … Useful english dictionary
lithophilous — living among stones Love and Attraction Stones and Rocks … Phrontistery dictionary
lithophilous — li·thoph·i·lous … English syllables
Plantesamfund — Grundtræk af den økologiske Plantegeografi, published in Danish in 1895 by Eugen Warming, and in English in 1909 as Oecology of Plants: An Introduction to the Study of Plant Communities, by Warming and Martin Vahl, was the first book to be… … Wikipedia
Love and Attraction — While this list might seem a bit risqué judging from its title, it s not as bad (or good) as you might think. Each of these 114 weird words contains the word element phil , from ancient Greek phileein to love, and so a philia is a special love,… … Phrontistery dictionary
Stones and Rocks — All the words in this list incorporate the element lith , from the Greek lithos stone . Unfortunately, if you ve come looking for a list of different types of stone (a list that would easily run into the thousands) you should really consult a… … Phrontistery dictionary
lithoid(al) — a. stone like. ♦ litholatry, n. worship of stones. ♦ lithology, n. study of rocks or calculi. ♦ lithontriptic n. & a. (substance) dissolving stones in bladder. ♦ lithophagous, a. swallowing or burrowing in, stone ♦ lithophilous,… … Dictionary of difficult words
-philous — f(ə)ləs adjective combining form Etymology: Greek philos beloved, dear, loving; probably akin to Old English bile simple, innocent, Old High German bil , bila good natured, friendly, Middle Irish bil good : loving : having an affinity for… … Useful english dictionary