- lithoclast
- литокласт
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Lithoclast — Lith o*clast (l[i^]th [ o]*kl[a^]st), n. [Litho + Gr. kla^n to break.] (Surg.) An instrument for crushing stones in the bladder. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lithoclast — SYN: lithotrite. [litho + G. klastos, broken] * * * litho·clast (lithґo klast) [litho + clast] lithotrite … Medical dictionary
lithoclast — stone breaker; tool for breaking rocks Stones and Rocks … Phrontistery dictionary
lithoclast — lithˈoclast noun (Gr klaein to crush) an instrument for crushing bladder stones • • • Main Entry: ↑lith … Useful english dictionary
lithotrite — A mechanical instrument used to crush a urinary calculus in lithotripsy. SYN: lithoclast. [litho + L. tero, pp. tritus, to rub] * * * lith·o·trite lith ə .trīt n LITHOTRIPTER * * * … Medical dictionary
Lithotripsy — Lith o*trip sy (l[i^]th [ o]*tr[i^]p s[y^]), n. [Litho + Gr. tri bein to rub, grind: cf. F. lithotripsie.] (Surg.) The operation of crushing a stone in the bladder or urethra to reduce it to particles small enough to be voided; lithotrity. It may … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ureteroscope — An optical device passed in a retrograde fashion through the bladder up into the ureter to inspect the ureteral lumen and kidney collecting system. * * * ure·tero·scope yu̇ rēt ə rō .skōp n an endoscope for visually examining and passing… … Medical dictionary
Stones and Rocks — All the words in this list incorporate the element lith , from the Greek lithos stone . Unfortunately, if you ve come looking for a list of different types of stone (a list that would easily run into the thousands) you should really consult a… … Phrontistery dictionary
ureteroscope — n. a rigid or flexible instrument that can be passed into the ureter and up into the pelvis of the kidney. It is most commonly used to visualize a stone in the ureter and remove it safely under direct vision with a stone basket or forceps. Larger … The new mediacal dictionary
lithoclase — n. Geology, crack in rock. ♦ lithoclast, n. stone breaker; stone breaking instrument … Dictionary of difficult words
JACOBSON, LUDVIG LEVIN — (1783–1843), Danish physician, anatomist, and naturalist. He began his career as an assistant at the Academy of Surgery in Copenhagen and was a lecturer in chemistry at the Veterinary College. He began his studies in comparative anatomy and in… … Encyclopedia of Judaism