- lagoonal
- лагунный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
lagoonal — nəl adjective : of or relating to a lagoon lagoonal and basinal areas Journal of Geology a lagoonal sedimentary origin is indicated A.M.Bateman … Useful english dictionary
lagoonal palve — pamario palvė statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Marių pakrantėje susidariusi pripustyta smėlio lyguma. atitikmenys: angl. lagoonal palve vok. Haffpalwe, f rus. рaвнина на берегу залива, f; рaвнина на берегу лагуны, f … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
lagoonal — adjective see lagoon … New Collegiate Dictionary
lagoonal — adjective Of or pertaining to a lagoon, especially one behind a coral reef … Wiktionary
lagoonal — adj. of a lagoon, like a lagoon … English contemporary dictionary
lagoonal — la·goon·al … English syllables
lagoonal deposit — Sand, silt or clay sized sediments transported and deposited by wind, currents, and storm washover in the relatively low energy, brackish to saline, shallow waters of a lagoon. Compare: estuarine deposit, fluviomarine deposit, marine… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
lagoon — lagoonal, adj. /leuh goohn /, n. 1. an area of shallow water separated from the sea by low sandy dunes. Cf. laguna. 2. Also, lagune. any small, pondlike body of water, esp. one connected with a larger body of water. 3. an artificial pool for… … Universalium
Perth Basin — The Perth Basin is a thick sedimentary basin in Western Australia. It lies beneath the Swan Coastal Plain west of the Darling Scarp, representing the western limit of the much older Yilgarn Craton, and extends further west offshore. Cities and… … Wikipedia
Carboniferous — For the album by Zu see Carboniferous (album). Carboniferous Period 359.2–299 million years ago … Wikipedia
Evolution of cetaceans — The approximately 80 modern species in the order Cetacea. A phylogeny showing the … Wikipedia