- karstification
- карстообразование
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
karstification — ● karstification nom féminin Processus de formation d un karst … Encyclopédie Universelle
Karstification — Karst Exemple de paysage karstique Le karst est un paysage façonné dans des roches solubles carbonatées. Ce n est pas une roche mais bien un paysage qui peut se développer dans le calcaire (principalement), le marbre, la dolomie ou encore la… … Wikipédia en Français
karstification — 1. The processes of solution and infiltration by water, mainly chemical but also mechanical, whereby the surface features and subterranean drainage network of a karstland are developed to form a karst topography, including such surface… … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
karstification — noun The formation of a karst topography … Wiktionary
karstification — /kastəfəˈkeɪʃən/ (say kahstuhfuh kayshuhn) noun the shaping of a karst topography as a result of the action of mildly acidic water on limestone bedrock. {karst + i 1 + fication} …
karstification — karstificāˈtion noun The development of karstic features • • • Main Entry: ↑karst … Useful english dictionary
degree of karstification — The ratio of the volume of openings to the total volume of a soluble massif, expressed as a percentage. It is the sum of the activity indices from the initiation of karstification, and so is normally applied only to carbonate rocks with little … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
zones of karstification — Cviji… (1926, 1960) distinguishes three zones of karstification: 1) dry zone in the upper part of the karst with caves almost completely dry; 2) transition zone where water flows downstream almost permanently; and 3) deep zone with … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
base of karstification — Level below which karstification has not occurred. See also karst base level … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
Mont-Ventoux — Le mont Ventoux (face Nord) vu depuis les Baronnies. Géographie Altitude 1 912 … Wikipédia en Français
Mont Ventoux — Le mont Ventoux (face Nord) vu depuis les Baronnies. Géographie Altitude 1 912 m … Wikipédia en Français