- isostructural
- изоструктурный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
isostructural — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ at iso + adjective : relating to or having a similar crystal structure in that the atoms correspond in position and function although there may not be close chemical relationship : isotypic 2 used of minerals and other crystalline… … Useful english dictionary
isostructural — /uy seuh struk cheuhr euhl/, adj. Crystall. (of two substances) having the same crystal structure but not necessarily a similar chemical composition. [1905 10; ISO + STRUCTURAL] * * * … Universalium
isostructural — adjective Having the same, or a corresponding, structure … Wiktionary
isostructural — iso·structural … English syllables
actinide element — ▪ chemical element group Introduction any of a series of 15 consecutive chemical elements in the periodic table from actinium to lawrencium (atomic numbers 89–103). As a group they are significant largely because of their radioactivity.… … Universalium
Borazine — Chembox new ImageFileL1 = Borazine dimensions 2D.png ImageSizeL1 = 150 px ImageFileR1 = Borazine 3D vdW.png ImageSizeR1 = 150 px IUPACName = borazine OtherNames = borazol, inorganic benzene Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 6569 51 3 PubChem … Wikipedia
plumbogummite — |pləm(ˌ)bō+ noun ( s) Etymology: plumb + gumm (from Latin gummi gum) + ite more at gum 1. : a mineral PbAl3(PO4)2(OH)5.H2O consisting of a hydro … Useful english dictionary
Hafnium — lutetium ← hafnium → tantalum Zr ↑ Hf ↓ Rf … Wikipedia
Protactinium — thorium ← protactinium → uranium Pr ↑ Pa ↓ … Wikipedia
Rhenium — tungsten ← rhenium → osmium Tc ↑ Re ↓ Bh … Wikipedia
Technetium — molybdenum ← technetium → ruthenium Mn ↑ Tc ↓ Re … Wikipedia