- inherent
- связанный, неотделимый, конституционный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
inhérent — inhérent, ente [ inerɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. • 1503; lat. inhærens, p. prés. de inhærere « être attaché à » 1 ♦ Qui appartient essentiellement à un être, à une chose, qui lui est joint inséparablement. ⇒ essentiel, immanent, inséparable, intrinsèque. Les… … Encyclopédie Universelle
inherent — I adjective connate, deep rooted, essential, fixed, immanent, implicit, inborn, inbred, ineffaceable, ingrained, ingredient, innate, innatus, insitus, instinctive, integral, internal, intrinsic, native, natural, proprius, subsistent associated… … Law dictionary
Inherent — In*her ent, a. [L. inhaerens, entis, p. pr. of inhaerere: cf. F. inh[ e]rent. See {Inhere}.] Permanently existing in something; inseparably attached or connected; naturally pertaining to; innate; inalienable; as, polarity is an inherent quality… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
inherent — inherent, ingrained, intrinsic, essential, constitutional mean being a part, element, or quality of a thing s internal character or inmost being. Something is inherent which is so deeply infixed in a thing that it is apparently part of its very… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
inhérent — inhérent, ente (i né ran, ran t ) adj. Joint inséparablement. • La beauté du visage est un frêle ornement.... Mais celle de l esprit est inhérente et ferme, MOL. Femmes sav. III, 6. • Le vice le plus inhérent, si je puis parler de la sorte,… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
inherent in — index incident Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
inherent — (adj.) 1570s, from L. inhaerentem (nom. inhaerens), prp. of inhaerere be closely connected with, lit. adhere to, from in in (see IN (Cf. in ) (2)) + haerere to stick (see HESITATION (Cf. hesitation)). Related: Inheren … Etymology dictionary
inherent — is pronounced with the second syllable as in either heron or here, with a preference for the first of these … Modern English usage
inherent — [adj] basic, hereditary built in, characteristic, congenital, connate, constitutional, deep rooted, deep seated, distinctive, elementary, essential, fixed, fundamental, genetic, immanent, implicit, inborn, inbred, inbuilt, indigenous,… … New thesaurus
inherent — Inherent, [inher]ente. adj. Qui est attaché à un sujet, comme l accident l est à la substance. Il n est bon que dans le dogmatique, & n est guere en usage qu en cette phrase. Qualité inherente … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
inherent — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ existing in something as a permanent or essential attribute. DERIVATIVES inherently adverb … English terms dictionary