- hyperborean
- гиперборейский (принадлежащий к арктической области)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Hyperborean — Hy per*bo re*an, a. [L. hyperboreus, Gr. ?; ype r over, beyond + ?. See {Boreas}.] 1. (Greek Myth.) Of or pertaining to the region beyond the North wind, or to its inhabitants. [1913 Webster] 2. Northern; belonging to, or inhabiting, a region in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hyperborean — Hy per*bo re*an, n. 1. (Greek Myth.) One of the people who lived beyond the North wind, in a land of perpetual sunshine. [1913 Webster] 2. An inhabitant of the most northern regions. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hyperborean — 1590s, from L.L. hyperboreanus, from L. hyperboreus, from Gk. hyperboreos pertaining to the regions of the far north, from hyper (see HYPER (Cf. hyper )) + Boreas (see BOREAL (Cf. Boreal)). The Hyperboreans were an imagined Arctic people believed … Etymology dictionary
hyperborean — [hī΄pər bôr′ē ən, hī΄pərbə rē′ən] adj. [LL Hyperboreanus < L Hyperboreus < Gr hyperboreos, beyond the north wind < hyper (see HYPER ) + boreas, north wind: see BOREAS] 1. of the far north 2. very cold; frigid 3. [H ] of the Hyperboreans… … English World dictionary
Hyperborean — /huy peuhr bawr ee euhn, bohr , beuh ree /, n. 1. Class. Myth. one of a people supposed to live in a land of perpetual sunshine and abundance beyond the north wind. 2. an inhabitant of an extreme northern region. adj. 3. of or pertaining to the… … Universalium
hyperborean — 1. noun /hʌɪpəˈbɔːɹɪən/ a) one of a race of people in Greek mythology living in the extreme north, beyond the north wind b) any person living in a northern country, or to the north 2. adjective /hʌɪpəˈbɔːɹɪən/ pertaining to the extreme north of… … Wiktionary
hyperborean — [ˌhʌɪpəbɔ: ri:ən, bɔ:rɪən] literary noun 1》 an inhabitant of the extreme north. 2》 (Hyperborean) Greek Mythology a member of a race worshipping Apollo and living in a land of sunshine beyond the north wind. adjective relating to the extreme north … English new terms dictionary
Hyperborean — Hy•per•bo•re•an [[t]ˌhaɪ pərˈbɔr i ən, ˈboʊr , bəˈri [/t]] n. 1) myt a member of a people of ancient Greek legend reputed to live in a land of perpetual sunshine and abundance beyond the north wind 2) an inhabitant of an extreme northern region… … From formal English to slang
hyperborean — /haɪpəˈbɔriən/ (say huypuh bawreeuhn) adjective 1. of the extreme north. 2. arctic; frigid. {from Hyperborean, in Greek legend, one of a people supposed to live in a land of perpetual sunshine and plenty beyond the north wind; from Late Latin… …
Hyperborean — n. & adj. n. 1 an inhabitant of the extreme north of the earth. 2 (Hyperborean) (in Greek mythology) a member of a race worshipping Apollo and living in a land of sunshine and plenty beyond the north wind. adj. of the extreme north of the earth.… … Useful english dictionary
Hyperborean cycle — The Hyperborean cycle is a series of short stories by Clark Ashton Smith that take place in the fictional prehistoric setting of Hyperborea (present day Greenland[citation needed]). Various elements in Smith s cycle have been borrowed by H. P.… … Wikipedia