- homotactic
- 1. гомотактический (о петроструктуре с согласной симметрией всех вторичных элементов) 2. см. homotaxial
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
homotactic — homotáctic adj. m., pl. homotáctici; f. sg. homotáctică, pl. homotáctice Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic … Dicționar Român
homotactic — homo·tac·tic … English syllables
homotactic — pronunc at homo +|taktik adjective Etymology: hom + tactic : homotaxial … Useful english dictionary
homotaxis — n. similarity of arrangement. ♦ homotactic, ♦ homotaxeous, ♦ homotaxial, ♦ homotaxic, a … Dictionary of difficult words
-tactic — |taktik, aktēk adjective combining form Etymology: Greek taktikos 1. : having an arrangement or pattern of chaetotactic 2. : showing orientation or movement directed by a (specified) force or agent geo … Useful english dictionary