
1. холм; возвышение; возвышенность 2. свод (в шахте) З. поверхность (шахты) 4. подземная наклонная плоскость 5. суша
hill of planation эрозионная поверхность, педимент
abyssal hill абиссальный холм
broken hill изрезанный холм
chop hill песчаный холм (штат Небраска, США)
covered hill скрытая возвышенность
demoiselle hill округлый холм (в заливе Св. Лаврентия)
flat-topped hill холм с плоской вершиной
haystack hill скирдовидный холм
island hill холм-останец
pepino hill карстовый останец
salt hill соляной холм
sand hill песчаный холм
tent hill шатровая гора
hillebrandite гиллебрандит, Саr5103(ОН)2
hill-island останец-свидетель, холм-свидетель

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "hill" в других словарях:

  • Hill — (engl. für ‚Hügel‘, aber auch mittelhochdeutsch ‚Heimstätte‘) bezeichnet geografische Objekte: Hill (Bach), einen Grenzbach im Hohen Venn Hill (Gloucestershire), Vereinigtes Königreich Hill (Warwickshire), Vereinigtes Königreich Hill (West… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • hill — W2S2 [hıl] n [: Old English; Origin: hyll] 1.) an area of land that is higher than the land around it, like a mountain but smaller →↑uphill, downhill ↑downhill ▪ Their house is on a hill overlooking the sea. ▪ the top of Sidbury Hill ▪ A cart was …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • HILL (D. O.) — HILL DAVID OCTAVIUS (1802 1870) Peintre de paysages à l’origine, David Octavius Hill est surtout connu pour son œuvre de photographe, qu’il entreprit en collaboration avec le calotypiste Robert Adamson (1821 1848). Originaire de Perth, en Écosse …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • hill — [ hıl ] noun count *** 1. ) an area of land that is higher than the land surrounding it but smaller and lower than a mountain: a valley surrounded by wooded hills the Pentland Hills an area popular with hill walkers the top/bottom of a hill: They …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Hill — Hill, n. [OE. hil, hul, AS. hyll; akin to OD. hille, hil, L. collis, and prob. to E. haulm, holm, and column. Cf. 2d {Holm}.] 1. A natural elevation of land, or a mass of earth rising above the common level of the surrounding land; an eminence… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • HILL (G.) — HILL GARY (1951 ) Gary Hill est sans aucun doute l’un des vidéastes les plus importants de sa génération; la quantité autant que la qualité de ses œuvres servies par une inventivité technologique hors pair l’ont vite placé au rang des artistes… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • hill — O.E. hyll hill, from P.Gmc. *hulni (Cf. M.Du. hille, Low Ger. hull hill, O.N. hallr stone, Goth. hallus rock, O.N. holmr islet in a bay, O.E. holm rising land, island ), from PIE root *kel …   Etymology dictionary

  • hill — [hil] n. [ME < OE hyll, akin to MDu hille < IE base * kel , to project, rise high > L collis, hill, Gr kolophōn, peak] 1. a natural raised part of the earth s surface, often rounded and smaller than a mountain 2. a small pile, heap, or… …   English World dictionary

  • Hill — Hill, Archibald V. Hill, Rowland * * * (as used in expressions) Bunker Hill, batalla de Shirley Anita St. Hill Hill, David Octavius y Robert Adamson Hill, James J(erome) Hill, Joe …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Hill 55 — was a hill in Vietnam that was used during the Vietnam war as a base of operations for the United States Marine Corps. It has been described as the most notorious area in ICorps. [ [http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/usmchist/vietnam.txt] 1st… …   Wikipedia

  • HILL (D.) — HILL DAMON (1960 ) Fils de Graham Hill, qui ne lui montra guère d’affection dans son enfance, Damon Hill est un pilote au talent souvent sous estimé. En 1993, il dispute le Championnat du monde de formule 1, sur Williams Renault, dans l’ombre… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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