- helictite
- геликтит (пещерное образование, напоминающее сталактит)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
helictite — [hə lik′tīt΄] n. a thin, stony, curling cave deposit, usually of calcite, slowly formed as tiny water drops emerge from its tip and evaporate * * * … Universalium
helictite — [hə lik′tīt΄] n. a thin, stony, curling cave deposit, usually of calcite, slowly formed as tiny water drops emerge from its tip and evaporate … English World dictionary
Helictite — A helictite is a speleothem found in limestone caves that changes its axis from the vertical at one or more stages during its growth. They have a curving or angular form that looks as if they were grown in zero gravity. They are most likely the… … Wikipedia
helictite — 1. Generally small variety of stalactitic calcite growth that is twisted and contorted with no apparent regard for gravity. Helictites form on cave walls, ceilings, and on stalactites. The growth develops as seepage water loses carbon dioxide… … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
helictite — noun A speleothem found in limestone caves that changes its axis from the vertical at one or more stages during its growth … Wiktionary
helictite — he·lic·tite … English syllables
helictite — hə̇ˈlikˌtīt, ˈhelə̇k noun ( s) Etymology: helict (from Greek heliktos twisted, rolled, from helik , helix spiral) + ite : an irregular stalactite with branching convolutions or spines … Useful english dictionary
Abrakurrie Cave — is a wild cave on the Nullarbor Plain in Western Australia. It is reported to have the largest single cave chamber in the southern hemisphere, [cite web | title=South Australia: Whales Wildcaves | work=Diverse Travel Australia |… … Wikipedia
Caverns of Sonora — The Caverns of Sonora, a National Natural Landmark [http://www.nature.nps.gov/nnl/Registry/USA Map/States/Texas/NNL/CS/index.cfm] , is a unique cave located eight miles (13 km) west of the town of Sonora, Texas. It is a world class cave due to… … Wikipedia
anemolite — A helictite in which the eccentricity is ascribed to the action of air currents [10]. The word is derived from wind control theory of helictite formation [9] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
helictită — HELICTÍTĂ s.f. (geol.) Denumire dată unor concreţiuni calcaroase în formă de spirală care se formează pe pereţii peşterilor, ramificându se în toate direcţiile. [< fr. hélictite]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 20.04.2005. Sursa: DN HELICTÍTĂ s. f … Dicționar Român