
«точильщик» (сферический камень, вращаемый в углублении ложа ручья)

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "grinder" в других словарях:

  • Grinder — may refer to: *Grinder (milling), a machine used to reduce the particle size of bulk materials *Grinding machine, used in a machining operation to refine the surface of materials *Angle grinder, hand held power tool *Molar (tooth), the rearmost… …   Wikipedia

  • Grinder — Grind er, n. 1. One who, or that which, grinds. [1913 Webster] 2. One of the double teeth, used to grind or masticate the food; a molar. [1913 Webster] 3. (Zo[ o]l.) The restless flycatcher ({Seisura inquieta}) of Australia; called also {restless …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Grinder — steht für: eine Vorrichtung beim Segeln, siehe Grinder (Segeln) ein Werkzeug zum Zerkleinern von Kräutern, siehe Kräutermühle Grinder ist der Familienname folgender Personen: John Grinder (* 1939), amerikanischer Anglist und Linguist …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Grinder — est un groupe de musique allemand formé en 1984, Leur type de musique est Thrash et Speed Metal. Les membres du groupe étaient Adrian Hahn, voix et guitare basse Andy Guitare solo Lario Guitare rythmique Andi guitare basse Stefan Arnold batterie… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • grinder — s.m. e f.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS mar. nelle grosse imbarcazioni a vela da regata, membro dell equipaggio addetto alla manovra del coffee grinder {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: sec. XX. ETIMO: ingl. grinder propr. macinatore da (to) grind… …   Dizionario italiano

  • grinder — (n.) O.E. grindere one who grinds (grain); agent noun from GRIND (Cf. grind) (v.). Meaning molar tooth is late 14c. (O.E. had grindetoð). Meaning machine for milling is from 1660s; of persons, from late 15c. Large sandwich sense is from 1954,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • grinder — [grīn′dər] n. [ME & OE grindere] 1. a person who grinds; esp., one whose work is sharpening tools, etc. 2. a thing that grinds; specif., a) any of various machines for crushing or sharpening b) a molar tooth c) [pl.] Informal the teeth ☆ …   English World dictionary

  • grinder — A device to remove metal from an object. Also see angle grinder bench grinder brake shoe grinder mini grinder suction valve grinder valve grinder …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • grinder — [[t]gra͟ɪndə(r)[/t]] grinders 1) N COUNT: oft n N In a kitchen, a grinder is a device for crushing food such as coffee or meat into small pieces or into a powder. electric coffee grinder. 2) N COUNT: oft supp N A grinder is a machine or… …   English dictionary

  • grinder — UK [ˈɡraɪndə(r)] / US [ˈɡraɪndər] noun [countable] Word forms grinder : singular grinder plural grinders a machine that cuts food into very small pieces, especially coffee, meat, or pepper • See: organ grinder …   English dictionary

  • grinder — hoagie hoagie, hoagy hoagy . a large sandwich on a long crusty roll that is split lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese (and tomato and onion and lettuce and condiments); different names are used in different sections of the U. S., such as… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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