- glacigenic
- гляциогенный, ледникового происхождения
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Till — is unsorted glacial sediment. Glacial drift is a general term for the coarsely graded and extremely heterogeneous sediments of glacial origin. Glacial till is that part of glacial drift which was deposited directly by the glacier. It may vary… … Wikipedia
Subaqueous fan — A subaqueous fan is a fan shaped deposit formed beneath water (similar to deltas or terrestrial alluvial fans), and are commonly related to glaciers [cite journal |first=H.A.J. |last=Russell |coauthors=Arnott, R.W.C. |title=Hydraulic jump and… … Wikipedia
varved deposit — Any form of repetitive sedimentary rock stratification that was deposited within a year. This annual deposit usually consists of paired contrasting layers (varves) of alternately finer (darker) and coarser (lighter) silt or clay, reflecting… … Universalium
Till — glaciar comenzando a ser poblado por pastos … Wikipedia Español