- gerontomorphosis
- геронтоморфоз
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
gerontomorphosis — [jə rän΄tō môr′fə sis] n. [geronto (see GERONTOLOGY) + MORPHOSIS] evolutionary development that produces extreme specialization and, ultimately, extinction of a species or race … English World dictionary
gerontomorphosis — n. [Gr. gerontos, old man; morphe, form] Evolution involving specialization and diminishing capacity for further evolutionary change … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
gerontomorphosis — /jeuh ron teuh mawr feuh sis/, n. Biol. evolutionary specialization of a species to a degree that decreases its capability for further adaptation and eventually leads to its extinction. [GERONTO + MORPHOSIS] * * * … Universalium
gerontomorphosis — ge·ron·to·mor·pho·sis … English syllables
gerontomorphosis — ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈmȯrfəsə̇s sometimes ˌmȯrˈfōsə̇s noun ( es) Etymology: New Latin, from geront + morphosis 1. : phylogenetic change involving specialization of the characters of adult organisms and accompanied by decreased capacity for further… … Useful english dictionary
Gavin de Beer — Infobox Scientist name = PAGENAME box width = 280px image size = 150px caption = Portrait and short biography of Gavin de Beer from the back cover of his 1945 book Escape to Switzerland birth date = 1 November, 1899 birth place = Malden, Surrey… … Wikipedia