- geopotential
- геопотенциал
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Geopotential — is the potential of the Earth s gravity field. For convenience it is often defined as minus the potential energy per unit mass, so that the gravity vector is obtained as the gradient of this potential, without the minus.For geophysical… … Wikipedia
geopotenţial — GEOPOTENŢIÁL s.n. Potenţialul forţei de atracţie a masei Pământului; potenţial terestru. [pr.: ge o ] – Din engl. geopotential. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 GEOPOTENŢIÁL, Ă I adj. cotă geopotenţială a unui punct = număr… … Dicționar Român
Geopotential — Potential (rote Kurve) im Erdgravitationsfeld Als Geopotential W bezeichnet man in der Geophysik das Schwerepotential der Erde. Es setzt sich aus dem Gravitationspotential V und dem Zentrifugalpotential Φ zusammen. Jede Bewegung eines… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Geopotential — Žemės potencialas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. Earth potential; geopotential vok. Erdpotential, n; Geopotential, n rus. геопотенциал, m; потенциал Земли, m pranc. géopotentiel, m; potentiel de la Terre, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
geopotential — Žemės potencialas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. Earth potential; geopotential vok. Erdpotential, n; Geopotential, n rus. геопотенциал, m; потенциал Земли, m pranc. géopotentiel, m; potentiel de la Terre, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Geopotential height — is a vertical coordinate referenced to Earth s mean sea level an adjustment to geometric height (elevation above mean sea level) using the variation of gravity with latitude and elevation. Thus it can be considered a gravity adjusted height. One… … Wikipedia
Geopotential function — is a function that at each point is equal to a constant minus the energy that would be acquired by a unit mass in falling from rest at infinity to the point in question. The gradient of the geopotential function, which can be obtained by vector… … Wikipedia
geopotential of the tropopause — The point in the standard atmosphere where the temperature stops dropping and becomes constant. This is the dividing line between the troposphere and the stratosphere. It is called the tropopause. Geopotential is the potential energy of a unit… … Aviation dictionary
geopotential — /jee oh peuh ten sheuhl/, n. Physics. the difference between the potential energy of a mass at a given altitude and the potential energy of an identical mass at sea level, equivalent to the energy required to move the mass from sea level to the… … Universalium
geopotential — noun (Meteorology). The work that must be done at a given altitude in raising a unit mass from sea level to that altitude against the earths gravitational field … Wiktionary
geopotential — geo·potential … English syllables