- geomagnetic
- геомагнитный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
geomagnetic — GEOMAGNÉTIC, Ă, geomagnetici, ce, adj. Care aparţine magnetismului terestru sau geomagnetismului, privitor la magnetismul terestru sau la geomagnetism. [pr.: ge o ] – Din fr. géomagnétique. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 geomagnétic… … Dicționar Român
geomagnetic — [jē΄ō mag net′ik] adj. of or pertaining to the magnetic properties of the earth geomagnetism n … English World dictionary
geomagnetic — adj. Geomagnetic is used with these nouns: ↑pole … Collocations dictionary
geomagnetic — |jē(ˌ)ō+ adjective Etymology: ge + magnetic 1. : dealing with, derived from, or relating to terrestrial magnetism 2. : of or relating to the geomagnetic field … Useful english dictionary
Geomagnetic latitude — is a parameter analogous to geographic latitude, except that bearing is with respect to the magnetic poles, as opposed to the geographic poles.An approximation of magnetic latitude may be made with the tilted dipole model of the Earth s magnetic… … Wikipedia
Geomagnetic Pole — may refer to:*North Magnetic Pole *South Magnetic Pole … Wikipedia
geomagnetic axis — geomagnetic axis, the magnetic axis of the earth at an angle of 12 degrees with respect to the geographic axis … Useful english dictionary
Geomagnetic storm — This article is about disturbances within Earth s magnetosphere. For other uses of magnetic storm , see Magnetic storm (disambiguation). Solar particles interact with Earth s magnetosphere. A geomagnetic storm is a temporary disturbance of the… … Wikipedia
Geomagnetic reversal — Magnetic reversal redirects here. For switching of a magnet, see Magnetization reversal. Geomagnetic polarity during the late Cenozoic Era. Dark areas denote periods where the polarity matches today s polarity, light areas denote periods where… … Wikipedia
Geomagnetic pole — Illustration of the difference between geomagnetic poles (Nm and Sm) and geographical poles (Ng and Sg). The geomagnetic poles are antipodal points where the axis of a theoretical dipole intersects the Earth s surface. This dipole is equivalent… … Wikipedia
geomagnetic field — Magnetic field associated with the Earth. It is essentially dipolar (i.e., it has two poles, the northern and southern magnetic poles) on the Earth s surface. Away from the surface, the field becomes distorted. Most geomagnetists explain the… … Universalium