
конгелифлюкция, солифлюкция

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "gelifluction" в других словарях:

  • Gelifluction — Gelifluction, very similar to solifluction, describes the seasonal freeze thaw action upon waterlogging topsoils which induces downslope movement. Gelifluction is prominent in peri glacial regions where snow falls during six to eight months of… …   Wikipedia

  • gelifluction —   a form of mass movement in which thawed upper soil layers move over permafrost …   Geography glossary

  • glacial landform — ▪ geology Introduction  any product of flowing ice and meltwater. Such landforms are being produced today in glaciated areas, such as Greenland, Antarctica, and many of the world s higher mountain ranges. In addition, large expansions of present… …   Universalium

  • Permafrost — This article is about frozen ground. For other uses, see Permafrost (disambiguation). In geology, permafrost, cryotic soil or permafrost soil is soil at or below the freezing point of water (0 °C or 32 °F) for two or more years. Ice is not always …   Wikipedia

  • Periglacial — is an adjective referring to places in the edges of glacial areas, normally those related to past ice ages rather than those in the modern era. That is to say, at the time in question, the area was not buried by flowing ice but was subject to… …   Wikipedia

  • Talik — For the Israeli general named Talik, see Israel Tal. A talik (from the Russian Language talik, derived from the verb tait, to melt) is a layer of year round unfrozen ground that lies in permafrost areas. In regions of continuous permafrost,… …   Wikipedia

  • Cryoturbation — Asphalt damaged by cryoturbation, or freezing of groundwater In gelisols (permafrost soils), cryoturbation (frost churning) refers to the mixing of materials from various horizons of the soil right down to the bedrock due to freezing and thawing …   Wikipedia

  • Solifluction — In geology, solifluction, also known as soil fluction or soil creep , is a type of mass wasting where waterlogged sediment slowly moves downslope over impermeable material. It can occur in any climate where the ground is saturated by water,… …   Wikipedia

  • Nivation — is a collective name for the different processes that occur under a snow patch. The primary processes are mass wasting and the freeze and thaw cycle,[1] in which fallen snow gets compacted into firn or névé. The term glacier is applied only when… …   Wikipedia

  • Drunken trees — Not to be confused with the floss silk tree, also known as the drunken tree or palo borracho. A drunken forest in Siberia caused by melting permafrost. NASA photo. Drunken trees, tilted trees, or a drunken forest, is a stand of trees displaced… …   Wikipedia

  • Gelifluktion — Gelifluktion[1] (lat. gelare, ‚gefrieren‘ und fluere, ‚fließen‘) bezeichnet langsame Bewegungen von Substrat an Hängen im periglazialen Milieu. Letzteres unterscheidet sie von der Solifluktion, die nicht an dieses Milieu gebunden ist. Allerdings… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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