- flax
- earth flax тонкий шелковистый асбест
fossil flax асбест, горный лён
mountain flax тонкий шелковистый асбест
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
FLAX — (Heb. פִּשְׁתָּה, pishtah, in the Bible; פִּשְׁתָּן, pishtan, in talmudic literature), plant cultivated in Ereẓ Israel. It is mentioned only once in the Bible. The stalks of flax mentioned in Joshua 2:6 are undressed flax fibers. Evidence of… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Flax — (fl[a^]ks), n. [AS. fleax; akin to D. vlas, OHG. flahs, G. flachs, and prob. to flechten to braid, plait,m twist, L. plectere to weave, plicare to fold, Gr. ? to weave, plait. See {Ply}.] 1. (Bot.) A plant of the genus {Linum}, esp. the {L.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flax — s.n. Ţesut conjunctiv elastic format din tendoane, cartilaje, cordoane neurovasculare etc., care se elimină din carne la prepararea conservelor de carne şi a mezelurilor. – Din germ. Flechse. Trimis de LauraGellner, 12.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 … … Dicționar Român
flax — flax; Flax·e·dil; flax·en; flax·seed; … English syllables
flax|en — «FLAK suhn», adjective. 1. made of flax: »flaxen thread. 2. like the color of flax; pale yellow: »Flaxen hair is very light. 3. of or having to do with flax as a commercial product … Useful english dictionary
flax — O.E. fleax cloth made with flax, linen, from P.Gmc. *flakhsan (Cf. O.Fris. flax, M.Du., Du. vlas, O.S. flas, O.H.G. flahs, Ger. Flachs), probably from P.Gmc. base *fleh , corresponding to PIE *plek to weave, plait (see PLY (Cf … Etymology dictionary
flax — [flæks] n [U] [: Old English; Origin: flAx] 1.) a plant with blue flowers, used for making cloth and oil 2.) the thread made from this plant, used for making ↑linen … Dictionary of contemporary English
flax — [ flæks ] noun uncount 1. ) a plant with small blue flowers that is grown for the fibers in its stem and the oil in its seeds 2. ) the fibers from the stem of a flax plant, used for making LINEN (=a strong cloth) … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
flax — [flaks] adj. [ME < OE fleax, akin to Ger flachs < IE base * plek , to plait, interweave > L plectere, plicare, Ger flechten] designating a family (Linaceae, order Linales) of dicotyledonous plants and shrubs usually having narrow leaves… … English World dictionary
flax — ► NOUN 1) a blue flowered herbaceous plant that is cultivated for its seed (linseed) and for textile fibre made from its stalks. 2) textile fibre obtained from this plant. ORIGIN Old English … English terms dictionary
flax|y — «FLAK see», adjective. = flaxen. (Cf. ↑flaxen) … Useful english dictionary