- adiabatic rate
адиабатическая скорость
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
adiabatic rate — adiabatic gradient or adiabatic rate, the rate at which a parcel of air becomes cooler or warmer as it gains or loses altitude, respectively, estimated to be approximately 5.5 degrees Fahrenheit per 1,000 feet, or 1 degree centigrade (Celsius)… … Useful english dictionary
moist adiabatic rate — The rate of cooling of ascending saturated air. It is approximately 1.5°C/1000 ft but may reduce to as little as 1°C/1000 ft in the warm saturated tropical regions and may exceed 2°C/1000 ft when the temperature of the air falls below the… … Aviation dictionary
adiabatic gradient — noun : the rate at which the temperature of an ascending or descending body of air is changed by adiabatic expansion or compression, being about 1.6° F. for each 300 feet of change of height; also : a curve representing this * * * adiabatic… … Useful english dictionary
Adiabatic — may refer to:*In physics,:Adiabatic invariant:*In thermodynamics,::*Adiabatic process::*Adiabatic index:*In quantum mechanics,::*Adiabatic theorem *In electronics.:*Adiabatic Logic:*Adiabatic circuits *In carbohydrate chemistry.:*Adiabatic Maps… … Wikipedia
Adiabatic shear band — is a term used in physics, mechanics and engineering. Since the 1960s adiabatic shear bands have been studied extensively because of their importance as a failure mode in areas such as metal forming and cutting, various types of ballistic impact … Wikipedia
adiabatic gradient — , rate of change in temperature of rising or falling air … Dictionary of difficult words
Adiabatic invariant — An adiabatic invariant is a property of a physical system which stays constant when changes are made slowly.In thermodynamics, an adiabatic process is a change that occurs without heat flow and slowly compared to the time to reach equilibrium. In … Wikipedia
adiabatic lapse rate — The rate at which the temperature changes as the air rises or falls without the heat being taken away from or given to the air mass. The standard adiabatic lapse rate is 3°C/1000 ft, 5.4°F/1000 ft, or 9.8°C/km when air is dry (dry adiabatic lapse … Aviation dictionary
Adiabatic process — This article covers adiabatic processes in thermodynamics. For adiabatic processes in quantum mechanics, see adiabatic process (quantum mechanics). For atmospheric adiabatic processes, see lapse rate. In thermodynamics, an adiabatic process or an … Wikipedia
adiabatic shear band — an adiabatic shear band is a narrow region, usually a few microns (micrometers) wide of intense plastic deformation that forms in high strain rate deformations of most metals, some polymers and several other material. Because of very little time… … Mechanics glossary
adiabatic lapse rate — noun The rate of decrease of temperature with height of a parcel of dry air lifted upward through the atmosphere with no addition or deletion of heat … Wiktionary