- finely-dispersed
- тонкодисперсный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
dispersed phase — or disperse phase n the phase in a two phase system that consists of finely divided particles (as colloidal particles), droplets, or bubbles of one substance distributed through another substance called also discontinuous phase, internal phase … Medical dictionary
dispersed phase — noun (of colloids) a substance in the colloidal state • Syn: ↑dispersed particles • Topics: ↑colloid • Hypernyms: ↑phase, ↑form * * * noun or … Useful english dictionary
pollution — /peuh looh sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of polluting or the state of being polluted. 2. the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment: air pollution. [1350 1400; ME pollucioun ( < OF) < LL pollution , s. of pollutio… … Universalium
dairy product — Introduction milk and any of the foods made from milk, including butter, cheese, ice cream, yogurt, and condensed and dried milk. Milk has been used by humans since the beginning of recorded time to provide both fresh and storable… … Universalium
Dispersant — A dispersant or a dispersing agent or a plasticizer or a superplasticizer is either a non surface active polymer or a surface active substance added to a suspension, usually a colloid, to improve the separation of particles and to prevent… … Wikipedia
Smoke bomb — A smoke bomb is a firework designed to produce smoke upon ignition. While there are smoke generating devices that are dropped from airplanes, the term smoke bomb is used to describe the three types of devices:# A smoke ball is a hollow, cherry… … Wikipedia
coloration — colorational, adj. colorationally, adv. /kul euh ray sheuhn/, n. appearance with regard to color arrangement or use of colors; coloring: the bold coloration of some birds. [1605 15; COLOR + ATION] * * * ▪ biology Introduction in biology,… … Universalium
air pollution — Release into the atmosphere of gases, finely divided solids, or finely dispersed liquid aerosols at rates that exceed the capacity of the atmosphere to dissipate them or to dispose of them through incorporation into the biosphere. Dust storms in… … Universalium
Intramembranous ossification — is one of the two processes during fetal development of the mammalian skeletal system in which bone tissue is created. It is also an essential process during the healing of bone fractures Brighton, Carl T. and Robert M. Hunt (1991), Early… … Wikipedia
Mesenchymal stem cell — showing typical ultrastructural morphology. Latin cellula mesenchymatica precursoria Code TH H2 … Wikipedia
Sol-gel — The sol gel process is a wet chemical technique (Chemical Solution Deposition) for the fabrication of materials (typically a metal oxide) starting either from a chemical solution ( sol short for solution) or colloidal particles ( sol for… … Wikipedia