
оконечность, окончание
cardinal extremity Brack, боковое окончание замочной линии

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "extremity" в других словарях:

  • Extremity — Ex*trem i*ty, n.; pl. {Extremities}. [L. extremitas: cf. F. extr[ e]mit[ e].] 1. The extreme part; the utmost limit; the farthest or remotest point or part; as, the extremities of a country. [1913 Webster] They sent fleets . . . to the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • extremity — [n1] ultimate; limit acme, acuteness, adversity, apex, apogee, border, bound, boundary, brim, brink, butt, climax, consummation, crisis, depth, dire straits, disaster, edge, end, excess, extreme, extremes, frontier, height, last, margin, maximum …   New thesaurus

  • extremity — I (death) noun cessation of being, cessation of existence, cessation of life, dose, completion, conclusion, demise, departure, discontinuance, discontinuation, dissolution, end, end of life, expiration, extinction, extinguishment, finish, passing …   Law dictionary

  • extremity — late 14c., from O.Fr. estremite (13c.), from L. extremitatem (nom. extremitas) the end of a thing, from extremus; see EXTREME (Cf. extreme), the etymological sense of which is better preserved in this word …   Etymology dictionary

  • extremity — *extreme Analogous words: *limit, bound, end, confine, term …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • extremity — ► NOUN (pl. extremities) 1) the furthest point or limit. 2) (extremities) the hands and feet. 3) severity or seriousness. 4) extreme adversity …   English terms dictionary

  • extremity — [ek strem′ə tē, ikstrem′ə tē] n. pl. extremities [ME & OFr extremite < L extremitas < extremus: see EXTREME] 1. the outermost or utmost point or part; end 2. the greatest degree 3. a state of extreme necessity, danger, etc. 4. Archaic the… …   English World dictionary

  • extremity — [[t]ɪkstre̱mɪti[/t]] extremities 1) N COUNT: with supp The extremity of something is its furthest end or edge. [FORMAL] ...a small port on the north western extremity of the Iberian peninsula. ...the extremities of the aeroplane. 2) N PLURAL: oft …   English dictionary

  • extremity — UK [ɪkˈstremətɪ] / US noun Word forms extremity : singular extremity plural extremities formal 1) a) [countable, usually plural] a part of your body that is furthest from the main part, for example a finger or toe b) [countable] a part of… …   English dictionary

  • extremity — /ik strem i tee/, n., pl. extremities. 1. the extreme or terminal point, limit, or part of something. 2. a limb of the body. 3. Usually, extremities. the end part of a limb, as a hand or foot: to experience cold in one s extremities. 4. Often,… …   Universalium

  • extremity — Synonyms and related words: Thule, Ultima Thule, abandon, abstract, aching heart, acme, acuteness, agony, agony of mind, all, anguish, animality, apex, apogee, arch, arms, atrocity, bale, barbarity, bitter end, bitterness, bleeding heart, blind… …   Moby Thesaurus

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