- expectant
- ore expectant предполагаемая руда, прогноз на поиски РУДЫ
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
expectant — expectant, ante [ ɛkspɛktɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. • 1826; n. v. 1460; lat. exspectans, p. prés. de exspectare « attendre » ♦ Littér. Qui reste dans l expectative, l attente. ⇒ attentiste. Une attitude expectante. Politique expectante. ⇒ opportuniste. ⊗… … Encyclopédie Universelle
expectant — expectant, ante (èk spè ktan, ktan t ) adj. 1° Qui attend. Médecine expectante, celle qui, attendant que la nature agisse par elle même, emploie des moyens peu actifs. Par extension. Méthode expectante, règle de conduite par laquelle on se… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Expectant — Ex*pect ant, a. [L.expectans, exspectans, p. pr. of expectare, exspectare: cf. F. expectant.] Waiting in expectation; looking for; (Med.) waiting for the efforts of nature, with little active treatment. [1913 Webster] {Expectant estate} (Law), an … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
expectant — expectánt adj. m., pl. expectánţi; f. sg. expectántă, pl. expectánte Trimis de siveco, 02.04.2007. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic EXPECTÁNT, Ă, expectánţi, te, adj. În expectativă. (cf … Dicționar Român
Expectant — Ex*pect ant, n. One who waits in expectation; one held in dependence by hope of receiving some good. [1913 Webster] An expectant of future glory. South. [1913 Webster] Those who had employments, or were expectants. Swift. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
expectant — index pending (imminent), preparatory, prospective, ready (prepared), sanguine Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burt … Law dictionary
expectant — late 14c., from O.Fr. expectant or directly from L. expectantem/exspectantem (nom. expectans/exspectans), prp. of expectare/exspectare (see EXPECT (Cf. expect)). Related: Expectantly. As a noun, from 1620s … Etymology dictionary
expectant — [adj1] anticipating alert, anticipative, anxious, apprehensive, awaiting, breathless, eager, expecting, hopeful, hoping, in suspense, looking for, on edge*, on tenterhooks*, prepared, raring*, ready, vigilant, waiting, waiting on, watchful, with… … New thesaurus
expectant — ► ADJECTIVE 1) hoping or anticipating that something is about to happen. 2) (of a woman) pregnant. DERIVATIVES expectantly adverb … English terms dictionary
expectant — [ek spek′tənt, ikspek′tənt] adj. [ME < OFr < L expectans, prp. of expectare] expecting; specif., a) having or showing expectation b) waiting, as for the birth of a child or for an inheritance n. a person who expects something expectantly… … English World dictionary
expectant — expectantly, adv. /ik spek teuhnt/, adj. 1. having expectations; expecting: an excited, expectant audience. 2. pregnant; expecting: an expectant mother. 3. characterized by expectations: an expectant attitude. 4. in expectation; expected;… … Universalium