- botryogen
- ботриоген, MgFe(S04)2(OH)-7H20
* * *ботриоген
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Botryogen — Kristalle aus Knoxville, CA/USA Chemische Formel MgFe3+[OH|(SO4)2] • 7H2O Mineralklasse 7.DC.2 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Botryogen — is a hydrous magnesium sulfate mineral with formula: MgFe3+(SO4)2(OH)·7H2O. It is also known as quetenite . It crystallizes in the monoclinic prismatic system and typically occurs as vitreous bright yellow to red botryoidal to reniform masses and … Wikipedia
Botryogen — Bot ry*o*gen, n. [Gr. ? cluster of grapes + gen.] (Min.) A hydrous sulphate of iron of a deep red color. It often occurs in botryoidal form. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Botryŏgen — (Rother Eisenvitriol, Rother Vitriol, Min.), kleine, meist undeutliche, schiefe, rhombische Säulen, gewöhnlich zu traubigen od. nierenförmigen Bildungen gruppirt. Bruch muschelig bis uneben, Härte 2,5, specifisches Gewicht 2,04, durchscheinend,… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
botryogen — noun A hydrous magnesium sulfate mineral … Wiktionary
Botryogen — Bot|ry|o|gen* der; s, e <zu gr. bótrys »Weintraube« u. ↑...gen> ein orangerotes Mineral in traubenförmigen ↑Aggregaten … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
botryogen — bot·ry·o·gen … English syllables
botryogen — ˈbä.trēəˌjen noun ( s) Etymology: German, from botry + gen, from Greek genēs born more at gen : a mineral MgFe(SO4)2(OH).7H2O consisting of a hydrous sulfate of iron and magnesium that is deep red or deep yellow and usually botryoid … Useful english dictionary
List of minerals A-B (complete) — It is currently not possible to have a complete list of minerals . The International Mineralogical Association is the international group that recognises new minerals and new mineral names, however minerals discovered before 1959 did not go… … Wikipedia
Sulfate minerals — ▪ Table Sulfate minerals name colour lustre Mohs hardness specific gravity alum colourless; white vitreous 2–2½ 1.8 alunite white; grayish, yellowish, reddish, reddish brown vitreous 3½–4 2.6–2.9 alunogen white; yellowish or reddish vitreous to… … Universalium
ботріоген — ботриоген botryogen Botryogen мінерал, водний сульфат магнію та заліза. Склад: Mg Fe3 (SO4)2(OH)*7H2O. Сингонія моноклінна. Призматичні кристали або бруньковидні, гроновидні та сферолітові аґреґати. Тв. 2 2,5. Густина 2,14. Блиск скляний. Колір… … Гірничий енциклопедичний словник