- euryhaline
- эвригалинный (о водном организме, приспособленном к существованию в условиях изменений солёности воды)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Euryhaline — organisms are able to adapt to a wide range of salinities. An example of a euryhaline fish is the molly ( Poecilia sp.) which can live in fresh, brackish, or salt water. The European shore crab ( Carcinus maenas ) is an example of a euryhaline… … Wikipedia
euryhaline — [yo͞o΄ri hā′līn΄, yoor΄əhal′īn΄, yoor΄əhal′īn΄] adj. 〚Ger euryhalin < eury , EURY + Gr halinos, saline < hals, SALT〛 Biol. able to exist in waters widely varying in salt content: opposed to … Universalium
euryhaline — [yo͞o΄ri hā′līn΄, yoor΄əhal′īn΄, yoor΄əhal′īn΄] adj. [Ger euryhalin < eury , EURY + Gr halinos, saline < hals, SALT] Biol. able to exist in waters widely varying in salt content: opposed to STENOHALINE … English World dictionary
euryhaline — ● euryhalin, euryhaline adjectif Se dit d un organisme qui supporte des variations de salinité importantes du milieu aquatique où il vit. (Les estuaires et les lagunes n hébergent que des espèces euryhalines.) ● euryhalin, euryhaline (synonymes)… … Encyclopédie Universelle
euryhaline — adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary eury + Greek halinos of salt, from hals salt more at salt Date: 1888 able to live in waters of a wide range of salinity < euryhaline crabs > … New Collegiate Dictionary
euryhaline — 1) organisms capable of withstanding a wide range of salinity 2) water with a salinity of 30.1 40.0 p.p.t. derived from ocean salts … Dictionary of ichthyology
euryhaline — adjective Able to tolerate various saltwater concentrations … Wiktionary
euryhaline — [ˌjʊərɪ heɪlʌɪn, heɪli:n] adjective Ecology able to tolerate a wide range of salinity. Often contrasted with stenohaline. Origin C19: from Gk eurus wide + halinos of salt … English new terms dictionary
euryhaline — eu·ry·ha·line … English syllables
euryhaline — /juriˈheɪlin/ (say yoohree hayleen) adjective able to live in environments characterised by a wide range of salinity (opposed to stenohaline). {eury + Greek hals salt + ine1} …
euryhaline — … Useful english dictionary