- epipelagic
- эпипелагический
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
epipelagic — /ɛpipəˈlædʒɪk/ (say epeepuh lajik) adjective of, relating to, or inhabiting the epipelagic zone. {epi + pelagic} …
epipelagic zone — epipelagialė statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Vandens telkinio sritis nuo viršutinio sluoksnio (pleustalės) iki 200 m gylio. atitikmenys: angl. epipelagial; epipelagic zone vok. Epipelagial, n rus. эпипелагиаль, f … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
epipelagic — adjective Date: 1940 of, relating to, or constituting the part of the oceanic zone into which enough light penetrates for photosynthesis … New Collegiate Dictionary
epipelagic — Associated with the surface layer of a water body; see also pelagic … Fisheries — dictionary
epipelagic — pertaining to the relatively well lit, warm and blue water of the ocean from the surface down to a depth of about 200 metres … Dictionary of ichthyology
epipelagic — adj. [Gr. epi, upon; pelagos, sea] Pertaining to suspended organisms inhabiting an aquatic environment between the surface and a depth of 200 m; see mesopelagic, bathypelagic … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
epipelagic — /ep ee peuh laj ik/, adj. of or pertaining to the stratum of the oceanic zone where enough light is present for photosynthesis to occur. [1935 40; EPI + PELAGIC] * * * … Universalium
epipelagic — adjective Of, pertaining to, or inhabiting the water from the surface of the sea down to 200 metres … Wiktionary
epipelagic — Zone usually in the ocean from surface to 200m, or referring to its inhabitants [Butler, T.H.] … Crustacea glossary
epipelagic — epi·pelagic … English syllables
epipelagic — ep•i•pe•lag•ic [[t]ˌɛp i pəˈlædʒ ɪk[/t]] adj. ecl of or pertaining to the stratum of the oceanic zone where enough light is present for photosynthesis to occur • Etymology: 1935–40 … From formal English to slang