- environs
- 1. окружение, среда 2. окрестности
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
environs — ● environs nom masculin pluriel (de environ) Lieux avoisinants, alentours : Visiter les environs de Lyon. Époque avoisinante, quantité approximative : Un homme des environs de l an mille. Le loyer est aux environs de 6 000 F. ● environs… … Encyclopédie Universelle
environs — Environs. s. m. pluriel. Lieux d alentour. Paris & ses environs. l armée se logea aux environs de la place … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Environs — En*vi rons (?; 277), n. pl. [F.] The parts or places which surround another place, or lie in its neighborhood; suburbs; as, the environs of a city or town. Chesterfield. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
environs — outskirts, 1660s, from Fr. environs, pl. of O.Fr. environ compass, circuit, from environ (adv.) around, round about (see ENVIRON (Cf. environ)) … Etymology dictionary
Environs — (fr., spr. Angwirong), 1) Umgebung, 2) Umgegend … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Environs — (franz., spr. angwiróng), die Umgebungen, die umliegende Gegend … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
environs — index confines, environment, locality, region, section (vicinity), site, territory, vicinity … Law dictionary
environs — meaning ‘the surrounding area of a place’, is a plural noun and should be pronounced in viy rǝnz, with the same pattern as in environment … Modern English usage
environs — [n] neighborhood bound, boundary, compass, confine, district, fringes*, limits, locality, outskirts, precinct, purlieus, suburb, surroundings, territory, turf, vicinity; concept 516 … New thesaurus
environs — ► PLURAL NOUN ▪ the surrounding area or district. ORIGIN French, plural of environ surroundings … English terms dictionary
environs — [ən vī′rənz, invīərnz] pl.n. [ME enviroun (sing.) < OFr environ, orig. adv., around < en , EN 1 + viron, a circuit < virer, to turn: see VEER1] 1. the districts surrounding a town or city; suburbs or outskirts 2. surrounding area;… … English World dictionary