- entablature
- энтаблатура (столбчатое строение верхнего слоя лавового потока)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Entablature — • A superstructure which lies horizontally upon the columns in classic architecture Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Entablature Entablature … Catholic encyclopedia
Entablature — En*tab la*ture (?; 135), n. [OF. entablature: cf. It intavolatura, fr. LL. intabulare to construct a basis; L. in + tabulatum board work, flooring, fr. tabula. See {Table}.] (Arch.) The superstructure which lies horizontally upon the columns. See … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
entablature — 1610s, nativization of It. intavolatura; see EN (Cf. en ) (1) + TABLATURE (Cf. tablature) … Etymology dictionary
entablature — [en tab′lə chər] n. [MFr < It intavolatura < intavolare < in , in + tavola, table, base < L tabula: see TABLE] Archit. 1. a horizontal superstructure supported by columns and composed of architrave, frieze, and cornice 2. any… … English World dictionary
Entablature — An entablature (pronEng|ɛnˈtæblətʃɚ; Latin, and tabula , a tablet ) refers to the superstructure of moldings and bands which lie horizontally above columns, resting on their capitals. Entablatures are major elements of classical architecture, and … Wikipedia
entablature — /en tab leuh cheuhr, choor /, n. Archit. the entire construction of a classical temple or the like between the columns and the eaves, usually composed of an architrave, a frieze, and a cornice. See diag. under column. [1605 15; < MF < It… … Universalium
ENTABLATURE — a term in classic architecture applied to the ornamented portion of a building which rests in horizontal position upon supporting columns; is subdivided into three parts, the lower portion being called the architrave, the middle portion the… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
entablature — noun Etymology: obsolete French, modification of Italian intavolatura, from intavolare to put on a board or table, from in (from Latin) + tavola board, table, from Latin tabula Date: 1611 a horizontal part in classical architecture that rests on… … New Collegiate Dictionary
entablature — noun All that part of a classical temple above the capitals of the columns; includes the architrave, frieze, and cornice but not the roof … Wiktionary
entablature — see TABLE … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
entablature — n. wall that rests on top of columns (Architecture); platform of a pedestal that supports a statue … English contemporary dictionary