- endosmosis
- эндосмоз, просачивание
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
endosmosis — endósmosis o endosmosis → ósmosis u osmosis … Diccionario panhispánico de dudas
endósmosis — o endosmosis → ósmosis u osmosis … Diccionario panhispánico de dudas
endósmosis — (De endo y ósmosis). f. Fís. Difusión de disolvente hacia el interior de un compartimento u órgano … Diccionario de la lengua española
endosmosis — [en΄däs mō′sis] n. [altered (after OSMOSIS) < Fr endosmose < endo , ENDO + Gr ōsmos: see OSMOSIS] in osmosis, the more rapid, inward diffusion of the less dense fluid through the semipermeable membrane to mingle with the more dense: opposed … English World dictionary
endósmosis — ► sustantivo femenino BIOLOGÍA Penetración de agua en la célula causada porque la concentración molecular de su interior es más alta que la del medio que la rodea. TAMBIÉN endosmosis IRREG. plural endósmosis * * * endósmosis o, menos frec.,… … Enciclopedia Universal
Endosmosis — Endosmose En dos*mose , Endosmosis En dos*mo sis, n. [NL. endosmosis, fr. Gr. e ndon within + ? a thrusting, impulsion, fr. ? to push: cf. F. endosmose.] (Physics) The transmission of a fluid or gas from without inward in the phenomena, or by the … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
endosmosis — osmosis os*mo sis ([o^]z*m[=o] s[i^]s), n. [NL., fr. Gr. wsmo s, equiv. to w^sis impulse, fr. wqei^n to push.] (Chemical Physics) (a) The tendency in fluids to mix, or become equably diffused, when in contact. It was first observed between fluids … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
endosmosis — n. [Gr. endon, within; osmos, a pushing] Osmotic diffusion toward the inside … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
endosmosis — Movement of water into a cell as a result of greater internal osmotic pressure. The water potential within the vascular sap of a plant cell must be lower than that in the bathing medium or sap of a neighbouring cell … Dictionary of molecular biology
endosmosis — endosmotic /en doz mot ik, dos /, adj. endosmotically, adv. /en doz moh sis, dos /, n. 1. Biol. osmosis toward the inside of a cell or vessel. 2. Physical Chem. the flow of a substance from an area of lesser concentration to one of greater… … Universalium
endosmosis — noun osmosis in which fluid flows through a membrane towards a region of higher concentration … Wiktionary