- endoderm
- пал. эндодерма
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Endoderm — Organs derived from endoderm … Wikipedia
endoderm — ENDODÉRM, endoderme, s.n. 1. Foiţa interioară a embrionului animalelor superioare, din care provin tubul digestiv şi glandele anexe. 2. Strat unicelular al peretelui corpului la celenterate. 3. Albumen. – Din fr. endoderme. Trimis de claudia,… … Dicționar Român
Endoderm — En do*derm, n. [Endo + Gr. ? skin.] (Biol.) (a) The inner layer of the skin or integument of an animal. (b) The innermost layer of the blastoderm and the structures derived from it; the hypoblast; the entoblast. See Illust. of {Ectoderm} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
endoderm — 1835, from ENDO (Cf. endo ) + DERM (Cf. derm). Coined by Prussian embryologist Robert Remak (1815 1865) … Etymology dictionary
endoderm — [en′dō dʉrm΄] n. [ ENDO + DERM] the inner layer of cells of the embryo, from which is formed the lining of the digestive tract, of other internal organs, and of certain glands endodermal adj. endodermic … English World dictionary
endoderm — endodermal, endodermic, adj. /en deuh derrm /, n. 1. Also called endoblast. Embryol. the innermost cell layer of the embryo in its gastrula stage. 2. Anat. the innermost body tissue that derives from this layer, as the gut lining. Also, entoderm … Universalium
endoderm — Hypoblast Hy po*blast, n. [Pref. hypo + blast.] (Biol.) The inner or lower layer of the blastoderm; called also {endoderm}, {entoderm}, and sometimes {hypoderm}. See Illust. of {Blastoderm}, {Delamination}, and {Ectoderm}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
endoderm lamella — noun : a thin sheet of endoderm extending from the gastric cavity to the circular canal between adjacent radial canals in a medusa and separated from the ectoderm on either side by mesoglea … Useful english dictionary
endoderm — noun Etymology: French endoderme, from end + Greek derma skin more at derm Date: 1861 the innermost of the three primary germ layers of an embryo that is the source of the epithelium of the digestive tract and its derivatives and of the lower… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Endoderm — Das Entoderm (von griech. to enteron „Darm“, eigentlich „das Innere“ und to derma „Haut“) ist das innere Keimblatt des Embryoblasten. Das Entoderm ist nicht zu verwechseln mit der Endodermis der Pflanzen. Aus dem Entoderm bilden sich die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
endoderm — n. [Gr. endon, within; derma, skin] 1. The innermost cell layer of the embryo forming the epithelium of the archenteron, endoblast, entoderm, and hypoblast. 2. (CNIDARIA) Layer of cells lining the gastrovascular cavity. 3. (PORIFERA) see… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology