- electromagnetic
- электромагнитный
electromagnetic teleclinometer электромагнитный телеинклинометр, электромагнитный прибор для измерения кривизны скважины
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
electromagnetic — ELECTROMAGNÉTIC, Ă, electromagnetici, ce, adj. Privitor la electromagnetism, bazat pe electromagnetism. ♢ Câmp electromagnetic = regiune din spaţiu în care se pot exercita acţiuni asupra purtătorilor de sarcină electrică sau asupra magneţilor,… … Dicționar Român
electromagnetic — 1821; see ELECTRO (Cf. electro ) + MAGNETIC (Cf. magnetic) … Etymology dictionary
electromagnetic — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to the interrelation of electric currents or fields and magnetic fields. DERIVATIVES electromagnetically adverb electromagnetism noun … English terms dictionary
electromagnetic — [ē lek΄trō mag net′ik, ilek΄trō mag net′ik; ē lek΄trəmag nit′ik, i lek΄trəmag net′ik] adj. of, produced by, or having to do with electromagnetism or an electromagnet electromagnetically adv … English World dictionary
electromagnetic — electromagnetically, adv. /i lek troh mag net ik/, adj. of or pertaining to electromagnetism or electromagnetic fields. [1815 25; ELECTRO + MAGNETIC] * * * (as used in expressions) electromagnetic field electromagnetic force electromagnetic… … Universalium
electromagnetic — adj. having both an electrical and a magnetic character or properties. Phrases and idioms: electromagnetic radiation a kind of radiation including visible light, radio waves, gamma rays, X rays, etc., in which electric and magnetic fields vary… … Useful english dictionary
electromagnetic — [[t]ɪle̱ktroʊmægne̱tɪk[/t]] ADJ: usu ADJ n Electromagnetic is used to describe the electrical and magnetic forces or effects produced by an electric current. ...electromagnetic fields … English dictionary
electromagnetic — adj. Electromagnetic is used with these nouns: ↑field, ↑force, ↑radiation, ↑spectrum, ↑wave … Collocations dictionary
electromagnetic — elektromagnetinis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. electromagnetic vok. elektromagnetisch rus. электромагнитный pranc. électromagnétique … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity — (EHS) sometimes also called electrosensitivity or electrical sensitivity (ES) is a condition in which people experience medical symptoms that they believe are caused by exposure to electromagnetic fields. Although effects of electromagnetic… … Wikipedia
Electromagnetic radiation and health — Electromagnetic radiation can be classified into ionizing radiation and non ionizing radiation, based on whether it is capable of ionizing atoms and breaking chemical bonds. Ultraviolet and higher frequencies, such as X rays or gamma rays are… … Wikipedia