- ectogenesis
- пал. эктогенез
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Ectogenesis — (from the Greek ecto , outer, and genesis ) is the creation of mammalian life outside the uterus. Ectogenesis nominally refers to the complete artificial creation of life, as described in Aldous Huxley s 1932 novel Brave New World . However, the… … Wikipedia
ectogenesis — [ek΄tō jen′ə sis, ek΄təjen′ə sis] n. pl. ectogeneses [ek΄tōjen′əsēz΄] the growth process of embryonic tissue placed in an artificial environment, as a test tube ectogenetic [ek΄tōjə net′ik] adj … English World dictionary
ectogenesis — ektogenezė statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Teorija, teigianti, kad gamtos evoliucija vyksta tik dėl tiesioginio organizmų prisitaikymo prie aplinkos. atitikmenys: angl. ectogenesis vok. Ektogenese, f rus. эктогенез, m … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
ectogenesis — ectogenetic /ek toh jeuh net ik/, adj. /ek toh jen euh sis/, n. Biol. development outside the body, as of an embryo in an artificial environment. [1905 10; < NL; see ECTO , GENESIS] * * * … Universalium
ectogénesis — Ontogénesis producida debido a la adaptación de cada especie a la acción de los factores externos … Diccionario ecologico
ectogenesis — variation in response to outside conditions Causation and Formation … Phrontistery dictionary
ectogenesis — [ˌɛktə(ʊ) dʒɛnɪsɪs] noun (chiefly in science fiction) the development of embryos in artificial conditions outside the womb. Derivatives ectogenetic adjective … English new terms dictionary
ectogenesis — ec·to·gen·e·sis … English syllables
ectogenesis — n. development outside body. ♦ ectogenic, ectogenous, a … Dictionary of difficult words
ectogenesis — n. Biol. the production of structures outside the organism. Derivatives: ectogenetic adj. ectogenic adj. ectogenous adj. Etymology: mod.L (as ECTO , GENESIS) … Useful english dictionary
Reproduction and pregnancy in science fiction — Reproduction and pregnancy are common themes in science fiction, as well as utopian and dystopian works. Reproductive themes include, among others, pregnancy, forms of reproduction (sexual reproduction, parthenogenesis, ectogenesis, alien human… … Wikipedia