- ecospecies
- экологический вид, эковид
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
ecospecies — ecospecies. См. эковид. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
ecospecies — [ē′kō spē΄shēz΄, ek′ō spē′sēz; ek′ōspē΄shēz΄, ek′ōspē sēz] n. [ ECO + SPECIES] a biological species distinguished from its close relatives, with which it can interbreed, by its adaptations to its particular environment ecospecific adj … English World dictionary
ecospecies — n. [Gr. oikos, house; L. species, kind] A group of populations in an ecological niche that are among themselves, and with other ecospecies, capable of interbreeding without loss of fertility or vigor in the offspring; an ecotype … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
ecospecies — a group of related ecotypes that exchange genes without loss of fertility; roughly the same as a taxonomic species … Dictionary of ichthyology
ecospecies — ecospecific /ek oh spi sif ik/, adj. ecospecifically, adv. /ek oh spee sheez, seez, ee koh /, n. Ecol. a taxon consisting of one or more interbreeding ecotypes: equivalent to a taxonomic species. [1920 25; ECO + SPECIES] * * * … Universalium
ecospecies — Two or more populations of a species isolated by ecologic barriers, theoretically able to exchange genes and interbreed, but partially separated from one another by differences in habitat or behavior … Medical dictionary
ecospecies — eco·species … English syllables
ecospecies — ec•o•spe•cies [[t]ˈɛk oʊˌspi ʃiz, siz, ˈi koʊ [/t]] n. pl. cies ecl a species consisting of one or more interbreeding ecotypes: equivalent to a taxonomic species • Etymology: 1920–25 ec•o•spe•cif•ic ˌɛk oʊ spɪˈsɪf ɪk adj. ec o•spe•cif′i•cal•ly,… … From formal English to slang
ecospecies — /ˈikoʊspisiz/ (say eekohspeeseez), /ˈɛk / (say ek ) noun a group of organisms, usually plants, comprising one or more ecotypes whose members can reproduce among themselves without loss of fertility in the next generation. Also, species …
ecospecies — ˈekō, ˈēkō+ˌ noun Etymology: ec (II) + species : a subdivision of a cenospecies that is capable of free gene interchange between its members without impairment of fertility but is less capable of fertile crosses with members of other subdivisions … Useful english dictionary
эковид — ecospecies эковид. Группа близких экотипов <ecotype>, между которыми из за значительного генетического сходства возможен обмен генами, не снижающий общего уровня жизнеспособности; часто Э. соответствует таксономическому виду. (Источник:… … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.