- easting
- восточное отклонение (отклонение, отсчитанное к востоку от предшествующей точки счисления пути)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Easting — East ing, n. (Naut. & Surv.) The distance measured toward the east between two meridians drawn through the extremities of a course; distance of departure eastward made by a vessel. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
easting — [ēs′tiŋ] n. 1. Naut. the distance due east covered by a vessel traveling on any easterly course 2. an easterly direction … English World dictionary
easting — noun Date: 1628 1. easterly progress < make as much easting as possible Kevin Patterson > 2. difference in longitude to the east from the last preceding point of reckoning … New Collegiate Dictionary
easting — rytų kryptimi statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Į rytus (t. y. iš kairės į dešinę) – skaitant tinklelio kvadratų koordinates žemėlapyje. atitikmenys: angl. easting pranc. vers l’est … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Easting and northing — The terms easting and northing are geographic Cartesian coordinates for a point. Easting refers to the eastward measured distance (or the x coordinate), while northing refers to the northward measured distance (or the y coordinate). The… … Wikipedia
easting — /ee sting/, n. 1. Navig. the distance due east made good on any course tending eastward; easterly departure. 2. a shifting eastward; easterly direction. 3. Survey. a distance east from a north south reference line. [1620 30; EAST + ING1] * * * … Universalium
easting — noun a) The distance east of a standard reference meridian. b) A distance traveled eastward … Wiktionary
easting — the vertical gridlines on a map so called because their numeric value increases from west to east … Geography glossary
Easting — 1. The distance of a point east of the point of origin of the grid of a map or some abbreviation of it [25]. 2. The west east component of a survey leg, or of a series of legs or of a complete traverse; east is positive and west is negative … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
easting — n. direction to the east; moving to the east … English contemporary dictionary
easting — i. An eastward (left to right) reading of grid values on a map. When the map is read from south to north, it is called northing. ii. Movement toward the east … Aviation dictionary