- dihexagonal
- дигексагональный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Dihexagonal — Di hex*ag o*nal, a. [Pref. di + hexagonal.] (a) Consisting of two hexagonal parts united; thus, a dihexagonal pyramid is composed of two hexagonal pyramids placed base to base. (b) Having twelve similar faces; as, a dihexagonal prism. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dihexagonal prism — noun : a prism any horizontal section of which is dihexagonal … Useful english dictionary
dihexagonal pyramid — noun : a pyramid any horizontal section of which is dihexagonal … Useful english dictionary
dihexagonal — di|hexagonal [griechisch] nennt man zwei Kristallklassen des hexagonalen Kristallsystems. Die zugehörigen Kristallformen sind die von 12 beziehungsweise 24 kongruenten, ungleichseitigen Dreiecken begrenzten dihexagonalen Pyramiden… … Universal-Lexikon
dihexagonal — di·hexagonal … English syllables
dihexagonal — |dī+ adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary di + hexagonal crystallog : being or relating to a symmetrical 12 sided figure the alternate angles of which are equal used especially in naming forms of the hexagonal system … Useful english dictionary
dihexagonal-dipyramidal — adjective : of or characterized by the symmetry of the class of crystals in the hexagonal system having a vertical hexad axis, six horizontal diad axes, six vertical planes, and a horizontal plane of symmetry … Useful english dictionary
Kristallmorphologie — Die Kristallmorphologie ist ein Begriff aus der Kristallographie und der Mineralogie und beschreibt die Form eines Kristalls, der aus geometrisch bestimmten Flächen, Kanten und Ecken besteht. Zwei aneinander stoßende Kristallflächen bilden dabei… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Forme Cristalline — Une forme cristalline est un ensemble de faces d un cristal qui sont dans un rapport de symétrie. Une forme cristalline est caractérisée par : la multiplicité qui est le nombre des faces ; elle dépend de la symétrie du cristal et de l… … Wikipédia en Français
Crystal system — Diamond crystal structure consists of face centered cubic lattice. In crystallography, the terms crystal system, crystal family, and lattice system each refer to one of several classes of space groups, lattices, point groups, or crystals.… … Wikipedia
Breithauptite — on calcite from the Samson Mine, St Andreasberg, Harz Mountains, Lower Saxony, Germany (Field of view 17 mm) General Category Antimonide mineral … Wikipedia